4- In Her Arms

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Summary: After Jax shows his pissy mood off at breakfast, you ask what's going on and he shows a side you were surprised he even had.

I've been here for about two weeks and I think I'm finally starting to warm up to the bright colors and fun friends. Sure everything is always ultra chaotic but in the end, it's probably a lot better than what I'd be doing if I was still without the headset.

This morning, like usual, everyone met at the breakfast table.

When I got there, there were already pancakes, bacon, and hashbrowns on every plate.

I smiled, taking my seat between Ragatha and Jax again.

"Morning, sugar cube," Jax greeted me with a rough voice, picking at his food with his fork.

I raised an eyebrow. "Morning. What's got you all grumpy?"

He side eyed me and scowled, rolling his eyes.

"Jax has been in a bad mood all morning and nobody knows what's wrong with him-" Ragatha explained to me in a quiet voice, as to not poke the bear.

"Yeah, and nobody cares," Zooble said, snorting. I held back a giggle, even though what they said was false.

Gangle also let out a small chuckle at this but cowered when Jax sent her a look.

"Now, now, whatever Jax is going through is just as important to everyone else as it is to him. If you're okay with it, would you mind telling us what's wrong?" Ragatha asked and all eyes turned to the purple bunny, whose eyes widened.

Jax scoffed, standing up abruptly and storming off to the rooms.

I blinked repeatedly, trying to process what could've gone wrong.

"Well then," Zooble went back to their food, tuning out the world once more.

I sighed before taking one last bite of my pancakes and standing up, starting in the direction of Jax's room. Ragatha reached out and grabbed my wrist, making me halt my movements and look back at her.

"You're really going after him?" She asked, uncertainty in her voice.

I raised an eyebrow, curious as to why she had asked me such a ridiculous question. Of course I was going after him, he's pretty much the one I'm closest with in this fake world. The one I can relate to the most.

"Yeah? Why?"

She sighed before standing up and walking towards the direction I was originally heading, before turning around and beckoning me to follow her.

I jog to catch up to her and once we reach a distance away from the others, I ask why she was coming along.

"Because- because Jax can lash out. Not in like a...feral way, or anything. It's just- he can sometimes tend to say things he doesn't mean and not exactly show remorse for his words when he's in a state like this. You get what I mean?" She asked, and I slightly nodded, my eyes trained on the carpet below me.

Everyone has their bad sides, I'm sure Jax is no different. I mean, look at Zooble! They're always showing their bad side!

"I just didn't want you to walk in blindly and not want to be friends with him anymore if he took out his frustrations on you in a verbal way, you know?" she asked once more, trying to make the dots connect in my brain, and I nodded again.

"Yeah. I get it. Everyone gets a little pissed off at times. Jax has said some pretty rude things already and I think by now I understand it's just his way of coping," I reply as we reach his door.

"Well then, I think you can handle this one then, see you later, Sugar!" She walked back to the table.

I sighed and tried to clear my mind before wrapping my knuckles on his door.

"Go away."

"Uh- no?"

There was a moment of silence before I heard the door click and was met face to face with the frowning face of Jax himself.

"What do ya want, Sugar?" he asked in an annoyed tone and my face dropped a little.

He never called me by my name. Something had to be messing with his head.

"What's going on with you, Jax? Everyone- Me and Ragatha are worried about you," I tell him, fixing my sentence after he sends me a look that says 'bullshit'.

He sighs then looks up, as if he's debating something, and then steps aside to let me in.

When I stepped inside, I took in the relaxed and comfortable mood of his room.

The room was decorated with multiple hues of purple and slight hints of yellows and pinks, complimenting each other nicely.

I smiled softly before shaking myself off the thoughts and back to the conflict at hand.

Jax closed the door behind him and sat on his bed, with me following suit.


"I'm worried about Kaufmo."

My eyes widened slightly. Worried? I mean, I knew he wasn't totally heartless but I never thought he'd openly admit to having humanoid feelings like this.

"He hasn't been showing up to breakfasts, dinners, adventures- Is he gonna... abstract?" Jax asked in a shaky voice, one that rivaled his own usual snarky and sarcastic tone.

I opened my lips to say something, anything, but nothing came out.

He's never shown this side to me before, probably to anyone, since he put up those tall walls around his emotions. I was slightly happy he was like this around me, now that we've become so close over such a short period of time.

"I just-" Jax cut himself off, and I could see a glint of a trail of tears running down his cheeks. I scooted closer to him and hesitantly put my hand on his back. He tensed up for a moment and as I was about to move my hand, he relaxed and leaned back a little bit.

I sat with him while he uncharacteristically let out his frustration through tears, comforting him when I could.

He had his face buried in his knees as if he was ashamed. As we sat, we gradually moved closer together, and now I had my arm wrapped around his shoulders, softly running my fingers through the fur on his opposite arm.

His shoulders shook violently with each sob, and he suddenly uncoiled himself and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, pulling me closer and burying his face in my chest.

I reached my hand up to run my fingers through the fur in between his ears, but he flinched hard.

But when I pulled my hand away, he unwrapped one of his arms, took my hand, and held it tightly.

Maybe he just needed to warm up a little bit first.

-Jax POV-

I was devastated by my own thoughts.

What if something truly was going on with Kaufmo?

I hated crying, especially in front of people, but Sugar- she just seemed so kind and non judgemental. Like I could trust with my deepest, darkest secrets and she wouldn't look at me any differently.

She had such a motherly hold, cradling me as if she'd known me my whole life.

My grip on her gloved hand tightened as she continued to hold me.

I don't like people. It's just not my thing. Ask anyone here in the circus and they'd agree.

But I think loving can be an exception.



Hope you guys liked the cute moments between Jax and Sugar!

Check out my profile for more fanfics of multiple different fandoms!

There will be a new guest in the next chapter!!!!

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