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In Asmodeus' palace in Lust, an alarm clock rang through the brightly coloured room. Two people were in bed together, the famous clown, Fizzarolli along with his partner the Sin of Lust, Asmodeus. Fizzarolli woke up first, he punched the clock and stretched his arms out to the kitchen, scaring a laundry succubus in her work attire, destroying a chandelier, and poured himself some coffee. But, he burned himself so he just took the whole pot back, passing the same laundry woman from before, making her twirl in place, and set the drink on a desk. He reached out with his mechanical arms and grabbed one of his hats, and stretched his body out. Fizzarolli grabbed the coffee and drank it, before putting it away and stretching himself above Asmodeus with his robotic limbs.

"Rise and shine, Ozzie!" Fizzarolli called out, blowing an airhorn and laughing. The Sin was startled and the clown began laughing.

Asmodeus groaned in displeasure, "Ugh, again with the horn?" He turned in bed, covering his head with his pillow.

"Don't blame me, blame how fuckin' fun they are!" Fizzarolli blew the horn once more.

"M'kay, so; Today you have a meeting with the distributor about the new shipment of vvvibrators. Then you gotta host a safety meeting because of what happened with the old shipment of vvvibrators. And then, you have a nooner with Prince Stolas."

As the clown spoke, Asmodeus got out of bed and put on his robe. "You scheduled me during lunch?"

"Well, you're pretty good at 'squeezing things in'. Plus it's his daughter's graduation ceremony this morning so he was only open after eleven." Fizzarolli explained as he watched Asmodeus put on his robe and leapt onto his shoulder. "But I left time for a big ol' breakfast!"

"Lemme guess, I'm handling that too?"

"I mean, unless you want me to take a crack at cooking again?"

Asmodeus laughed sarcastically, "No. Never again."

"What? Maybe I could burn the milk this time!"


"Oh! You know what I'm craving? Burgers!"

"No! It's too early for burgers, ya maniac!"

"Burger time! Burger time! Burger time!"

The two laughed together. In the kitchen, while Asmodeus hummed, making breakfast, Fizzarolli opened up a newspaper. An article reads "King of Ozz—A HYPOCRITE!?" Fizzarolli nervously crumpled the paper, stuffed it into a trash bin, then proceeded to throw the entire bin out of a window, which hit someone on the street. Asmodeus opened the door to the refrigerator, which had no milk in it.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I can pick up some more while I'm out today."

"About that... You're still going to that contest rehearsal? Without me?"

"Well, y–you have a packed day today, and I know you aren't big on the whole Mammon thing. So..."

"It's the Greed Ring. One of the cities is literally called 'Ransom'."

"Ah! You worry too much. You know I ain't afraid of ropes. 'Sides, I'm slippery~."

"I mean, only after I..."

"What?" the clown asked with a mouth full of food.


"Come on, Oz! I can be on my own one day!"

"But you haven't been to the Greed Ring alone since becoming Mam's big brand figure. Even Charlie and Ramiel don't let their daughter anywhere near Greed without protection."

"Come on, those two are overprotective. Remember the lecture they gave you when we trash talked that lovey-dovey imp?" he laughed. "Classic! Besides, it's not like I'm gonna stick around!"

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