Ep-1 "Back to School"

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Perhaps fate brought us together, And the incidents in between made us close, Falling in love was a simple choice, But breaking my heart, that was yours.

The school bell chimed, echoing through the hallways and signaling the start of a new day. Students spilled out of classrooms, their conversations blending into a symphony of chatter and laughter. Amidst the familiar faces and animated gossip, a new presence commanded attention.

Andrea walked the hallway with an air of confidence and grace that belied her status as the new girl. It was her first day, yet she moved as if she had always belonged there. Heads turned, and whispers followed in her wake. She was the most beautiful girl they had ever seen, her poise captivating everyone she passed.

Just two days ago, Andrea's life had been a whirlwind of change. Her plane had landed in Manchester, bringing her from a distant home to a new beginning. Stepping out of the airport, the cool breeze of England greeted her, carrying with it a promise of fresh starts and undiscovered adventures. She had arrived with her mother, both of them eager and apprehensive about what lay ahead.

Now, as she navigated the bustling school corridors, Andrea felt a mixture of nerves and excitement. The school was a maze of new faces and unfamiliar places, but she was determined to make her mark. With each step, she reminded herself that this was her chance to start anew, to embrace the opportunities that awaited her in this new chapter of her life.

Simon was almost fifteen, and though he was quite tall for his age, he had a slender build. His height often drew attention, but not always the kind he wanted. He had always been bullied by his schoolmates, who found it easy to target him for his quiet demeanor and his lack of money for school functions and activities. The harsh reality of their teasing and exclusion was something he had grown accustomed to over the years.

His older brother, Tommy Riley, studied at the same school. Despite the challenges Simon faced, he did his best to look out for Tommy, wanting to shield him from the same cruelty he endured. The Riley brothers navigated their school life with resilience, finding solace in each other's company amidst the difficulties they faced.

It was at this very school that Andrea had just taken admission. As Simon and Tommy went about their usual routine, unaware of the new addition, Andrea's presence was about to bring a shift in their everyday dynamics.

The hallway was buzzing with a new energy, the students whispering among themselves as they caught glimpses of the new girl. Simon, ever observant, couldn't help but notice the subtle glances and murmurs around him. He knew instantly that someone new had arrived, and his curiosity was piqued.

Though he tried to remain indifferent, he found his gaze lingering on her more than he would care to admit. There was something about her that captivated him, a sense of mystery that made his heart skip a beat. Her confidence and grace stood in stark contrast to his own awkwardness, yet he couldn't help but be drawn to her.

As Andrea made her way down the hallway, Simon felt a strange mix of emotions. Part of him wanted to retreat into the background, to remain unnoticed as he had always done. But another part of him, one that was growing stronger with each passing moment, wanted to know more about her. Who was this girl who seemed to command attention so effortlessly? And why did she make him feel things he had never felt before?

Simon shook his head, trying to dispel the thoughts that were clouding his mind. He had enough to worry about without getting distracted by a girl he barely knew. Yet, as the school day continued, he found it increasingly difficult to ignore the pull he felt toward her.

Simon was a tenth-grade student, and as fate would have it, Andrea had taken admission into his class. She stood there, surrounded by a group of curious and excited schoolgirls, her presence commanding attention without even trying. From a distance, Simon watched her, his eyes lingering on her every move. He ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair, a nervous habit he had developed over the years.

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