Las Almas

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"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." — Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

The sun had just begun its descent, casting long shadows across the bustling streets of Las Almas. The convoy of jeeps rumbled through the narrow roads, their engines purring steadily. Inside one of the vehicles, Andrea and Ghost sat side by side, their focus intent on the mission ahead.

Ghost leaned forward, his voice low and steady. “We need to stay sharp. The intel suggests that their HQ is somewhere in this area. Our objective is to locate it and gather as much information as we can before extraction.”

Andrea nodded, her fingers tapping rhythmically against her knee. “I’ve been through the schematics. There are two potential locations based on the data we have. The first is an old warehouse by the docks, and the second is a fortified building near the market district.”

Soap, seated on the opposite side, glanced up from his position by the window, eyes scanning the streets. “Both spots are hot. If we go to the warehouse, we might run into heavy security, but the market district could be more challenging to navigate without getting spotted.”

Rodolfo, driving with a steady hand, kept his eyes on the road. “We’re approaching the first location now. Let’s see if the intel holds up before we make any decisions.”

Ghost pulled out a map, studying it with a practiced eye. “Rodolfo, take us to the warehouse first. We need to check it out before moving on to the market district.”

Rodolfo nodded, adjusting the jeep’s course. “You got it. Just keep an eye out for any signs of trouble.”

Andrea’s gaze drifted to Soap, who was still peering out at the vibrant city life. “Soap, any unusual activity on your end?”

Soap shook his head. “Not yet, but this city has a way of hiding things in plain sight. We’ll need to be extra cautious.”

The convoy continued its journey, weaving through the labyrinthine streets of Las Almas. The warehouse loomed ahead, its silhouette outlined against the dimming sky. The team’s anticipation grew as they prepared for what lay ahead, their minds sharp and ready for the challenges of the mission.

The team disembarked from the jeep, the steady hum of the engine fading into the background. The warehouse loomed in the twilight, its corrugated metal walls marked with grime and rust. The air was thick with the scent of the city, a mix of industrial exhaust and distant food vendors.

Ghost, ever the meticulous leader, began issuing commands. “Soap, Andrea, you’re with me. Soap, take the left side, check for any entrances or exits. Andrea, you check the right. I’ll take the rear. Keep an eye out for surveillance cameras and any security measures.”

Soap gave a curt nod, his eyes narrowing as he approached the left flank of the warehouse. His movements were precise and calculated, each step bringing him closer to the potential points of entry.

Andrea moved to the right, her gaze sweeping over the area with a mix of curiosity and caution. The dimming light made the shadows dance, but her sharp eyes quickly adjusted. She spotted a series of windows, some boarded up, others slightly ajar.

Ghost, positioning himself at the rear of the building, crouched low, his gloved hands gripping his weapon. He scrutinized the back of the warehouse, searching for any signs of surveillance or hidden traps. His breath was steady, his focus unyielding.

The minutes ticked by as the team methodically checked their designated areas. Soap’s sharp eyes spotted a side entrance partially concealed by a stack of crates. He approached it cautiously, examining the lock and the surrounding area for any signs of tampering or surveillance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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