Ep-16 "Recovery"

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How do I bear this pain of loss
To live with your memories
How to live with shattered dreams?
Please give me peace oh God
I have cried a lot already
I am perished from the lines of my fate

Ghost's voice trembled with desperation as he pleaded, every fiber of his being aching to bridge the seemingly unbridgeable gap between them. He longed to shatter the veil of amnesia that had erased their shared memories. Her words, simple yet painfully true, cut through him like a knife. "I don't remember," she whispered, her voice laced with vulnerability, an apology for a loss she didn't even realize she had experienced.

Each syllable hung heavily in the air, echoing the depth of his heartbreak. Ghost stepped closer, his heart racing as he searched her eyes for any spark of recognition. "You're not just a stranger to me. You were my whole world," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, each word trembling with emotion.

Her gaze faltered, wavering between fear and curiosity. "Why do you care so much?" she asked, confusion etched on her face. It was a question that tore at him, each moment amplifying the weight of his unspoken love.

"Because I love you," he confessed, the words spilling out in a rush, raw and unguarded. "I've loved you for so long, and I refuse to let you slip away like this."

She flinched at the intensity of his words, her eyes darting to the ground as if searching for answers buried in the earth beneath them. "But I don't remember anything... How can you love someone who doesn't even know who they are?"

"Because love isn't just about memories," he replied, desperation flooding his tone. "It's about connection, about who we are together. I believe that's still inside you, waiting to be found."

For a moment, silence enveloped them, thick with unspoken fears and lingering hope. Ghost could feel the weight of her uncertainty, the struggle between the woman standing before him and the memories that felt just out of reach.

"Then help me," she said finally, her voice small yet resolute. "Help me remember."

Relief washed over him like a wave, mingling with the resolve hardening in his chest. "I will. I'll do whatever it takes."

"Just promise me... promise you won't give up," she said, her eyes glistening with the threat of unshed tears.

"I promise," he vowed, reaching out to grasp her hand, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath his fingers. It was a small yet monumental step, a fragile thread connecting their fates.

In that moment, surrounded by the shadows of forgotten memories, Ghost felt the first flicker of hope igniting within him. They had a long road ahead, but for the first time, he believed they could navigate it together.

He wanted to say something when a nurse broke the silence. "We need to let her rest. She has just woken up." She stepped forward gently, her demeanor professional yet compassionate.

Ghost stood up silently, his heart heavy as he reluctantly let go of her hand. "I won't give up on you," he promised, the words lingering in the air as he stepped back. She continued staring into the empty space, her expression distant and lost.

As the doctors surrounded her, Ghost turned and walked outside, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on him. Captain Price stood nearby, his phone pressed to his ear, tension etched across his features.

"Shepherd. She is awake. The doctors are trying their best," Price assured, his voice firm. "We saved her. She's just woken up." There was a pause, and then Price's expression shifted. "What? You're coming here? Okay." He ended the call with a decisive snap.

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