Ep-18 "Remember me"

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"I have spread like particles of dust
Thanks to the ground you gave me."

"And these are the letters you wrote to me," he added, handing her another set.

She glanced at them, curiosity mingling with hesitation.

"Take your time," he said softly, sensing her need for space. With that, he walked away, giving her the opportunity to explore the words and emotions contained within the letters, hoping they might help bridge the gap between her past and present.

Andrea felt a sense of unease as she delved deeper into the file. The words and facts painted a picture of a man she no longer recognized. Yet, there was something vaguely familiar about the details that tugged at her mind, stirring something deep within her subconscious.

She found herself drawn to the descriptions of his missions and the operations he had been a part of. Each account reflected a profound sense of duty, a commitment that seemed to permeate his life. It was both unsettling and strangely comforting, like holding a piece of a puzzle that didn't quite fit yet held the promise of a greater picture.

As she read through the letters, each word resonated with emotions she struggled to grasp. There was a history between them, a bond that was still waiting to be rediscovered. With each page turned, she felt the flicker of hope igniting within her, urging her to keep searching for the memories that felt just out of reach.

Andrea immersed herself in the file again, feeling the weight of each page. The descriptions of Ghost's missions and the sense of duty woven through his words stirred something within her, even as confusion clouded her thoughts.

Each letter she read was a lifeline to a past she could barely grasp, evoking emotions that felt both foreign and familiar. It was as if the memories lay just beyond her reach, buried beneath layers of forgetfulness.

With every word, a glimmer of hope flickered within her. Perhaps, through these fragments, she could begin to piece together not just who Ghost was, but who she was as well. As she continued to read, the uncertainty began to transform into a quiet determination to reclaim the memories that defined her.

Memories flashed across her mind like scenes from a movie. She pulled out a photograph from the file-an image of their prom night, with Tommy photobombing behind them. Laughter echoed in her memory, their joyful moments in the school halls, and the love letters filled with promises as Simon prepared to leave for the British Army at just 17.

Then came the haunting memories: the tragedy of his family's murder, her own return to the States, and her decision to join the task force. Each recollection was a thread, weaving together the fabric of their past.

"Oh my god," she breathed, opening the file again. There it was, in stark letters: Simon Riley, with no picture, only the call sign "Ghost."

Tears filled her eyes, blurring her vision as the reality of their connection washed over her. The weight of their shared history crashed down, and she felt the depth of her emotions rise, intertwined with both sorrow and a growing sense of belonging.

As she absorbed the information, the memories cascaded through her mind, vivid and undeniable. She could almost hear their laughter, feel the warmth of their moments together, and the heartache of their separation. The letters they exchanged became tangible echoes of promises made and futures envisioned, now tinged with loss.

The image of their prom night remained etched in her thoughts-Tommy's playful interruption, Simon's smile. Each memory was a reminder of the bond they had shared, a bond that had somehow survived the trials of time and trauma.

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