Ep-9 "ReUnion"

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Nothing is left in me,
You are my heart, my life are you,
I will live without taking breaths,
But I can't do this without you.

You are the bet that I won yet I lost,
You are my most beautiful mistake,
That I will do again and again,
Where will I go now,
Your love has chained me here.

Ghost observed Andrea quietly, his eyes fixed on her, searching for any sign of recognition in hers. After several moments passed, a flicker of realization crossed his mind-a realization that hit him like a ton of bricks. He had been so consumed by the shock of her presence that he hadn't considered the possibility that she didn't recognize him.

His heart thumped in his chest, the room suddenly feeling much smaller than before.

Ghost's mind whirled with a mixture of conflicting emotions. He knew that the years had shaped him into a very different person, both physically and emotionally. His height, his build, his demeanor-all had changed over the years, shaped by his experiences and the demands of his career in Task Force 141.

He watched her, searching for any flicker of recognition in her eyes. He wanted her to see past the mask, past the persona he had become, and see the Simon she had once known.

He was 6'4", a behemoth of a man, and he wasn't the same Simon Andrea had left at 17. His t-shirt clung to his muscular chest, his dark brown eyes looking at Andrea, searching if she even recognized him a bit-their school life, their prom together, their laughter in the school hallway. The letters they wrote to each other flashed through his mind. But he knew, because of his skull mask, she wouldn't recognize him.

As he sat there, he couldn't help but remember their shared joy and the way Tommy used to tease him about her. From the first time he saw her at school to their prom night, to now having her seated in front of him in his very office, the memories came flooding back.

Ghost, as he was now known, watched Andrea closely. She had transformed from the fierce teenager who always saved him from the bullies into a stunning, formidable young woman. The circumstances had changed her, just as they had changed him. The mask he wore was a barrier, a shield that hid not just his face but the remnants of the boy he used to be.

He decided then and there not to tell her that he was her Simon. It was better this way. He had changed, and the mask was as much a part of his identity now as his own skin. Revealing the truth could complicate things, and in their line of work, clarity and focus were paramount.

"There's more to you than meets the eye," Ghost remarked, his voice carrying a hint of respect masked by caution. "What is it that drives you, Andrea? What brings you to our doorstep?"

Andrea considered his question carefully, weighing her words before responding. "I believe in making a difference," she answered finally, her voice unwavering. "In a world where threats are ever-evolving, I want to be where I can make the most impact."

Ghost nodded slowly, hiding his personal turmoil behind the impassive mask. "In that case," he replied, a subtle nod of approval accompanying his words, "welcome to Task Force 141. We're glad to have you here."

As Andrea left his office, Ghost remained behind, grappling with the collision of past and present. He knew that keeping his identity hidden was the right choice, but the weight of that decision pressed heavily on him. The boy who loved her was still inside him, buried beneath the layers of his current self.

As Ghost watched Andrea walk away, the door closing behind her, a surge of conflicting emotions welled within him. The connection they once had, the memories of their school days together, danced through his mind like a bittersweet waltz. The mask he wore was more than just a physical barrier; it was a shield against the memories of the boy he used to be.

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