15. Unveiled Love

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There's something bout her, a heart's true friend,
In our friendship's growth, no pretend.

Time moved on, with boards behind,
To new cities, new paths we find.
Though best friends still, a change did brew,
A tide of love, she never knew.

Restricting my love, for her sake,
Led to breakdowns, a heartache.
With exams keeping her away,
Months passed with little to say.

One night, I couldn't bear the weight,
I confessed, with emotions great.
I told her my love, overwhelming and vast,
How long would this friendship last?

"I can wait," I said, "as long as you need,
But how much longer, for my heart to plead?
A week? A month? A year or more?
Decades of waiting, what’s in store?"

She listened, her past a heavy shroud,
With reasons clear, spoken aloud.
Failed long distance, strict parents' might,
Her fears and worries came to light.

I assured her, with gentle care,
Even ten minutes, I’d cherish there.
Through a long talk, with hearts laid bare,
I convinced her, love’s truth to share.

She agreed, with conditions set,
Platonically, no regrets.
But joy was mine, in love’s true bend,
On 15th September, our new journey began.

Something Bout Her: Poems of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now