17. A Convo Within Her Heart

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There's something bout her that captures my soul,
A love so deep, it makes me whole.
Through days and nights, our bond grew strong,
In her presence, I found where I belong.

Her words, a testament to our journey,
Filled with emotions, raw and unfiltered.
Here's a poem she wrote, straight from the heart,
A reflection of our love, right from the start.


My heart tells me again
Not to close up yet again
Don't let him go like others did
You won't find another like him

He really does love you
How many tests would you take
The test really wasn't of him
But my own self

I knew it was easy to fall for him
And yet it scared me the most
If I really did fall again, there wouldn't be a way out
But how can I lie to myself

When he's been there at times when I thought he'd walk out
Waited patiently on the nights when even I myself would have worn out
I don't know if it's a wise decision
Or if I am making a mistake again

But I'll hope this time he holds me close
So much so that even if I let him go his heart follows back to mine
They say true love never leaves well maybe true...
But a love that stays even when you set it free to wander what can be truer than that?

Is it just me or do you feel it too?
The strange feeling to just let things go
But an even stranger feeling to hold it till forever
Since forever isn't a promise

We wait till the string stretches
Till we pull it so tight
To see if it breaks or is it stronger than we thought


Her poem, a window to her soul,
Unveiled the depths of her love untold.
In every line, her fears and hopes entwined,
A testament to the love we both enshrined.

In our journey, through trials and bliss,
Her words remain a precious kiss.
Our love, a tapestry woven with care,
A bond so strong, beyond compare.

Something Bout Her: Poems of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now