19. Parting Ways

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There's something bout her that stirs deep inside,
As we navigated love's journey, our human sides collide.
Balancing tender embrace and trials so tough,
Love's weight on her shoulders, it became too much.

Once cherished, love turned bitter, a poison to bear,
Distance became the foe, leaving our hearts laid bare.
She yearned for my presence across miles so wide,
Longing for closeness, a love that fate denied.

From the start, she warned of its toll,
Yet it crept in, stealing her soul.
It didn't take long for her to break,
To confess she couldn't bear the ache.

"It breaks my heart," she softly said,
As tears fell, our love hanging by a thread.
I had no words to ease her pain,
Only a promise that love would remain.

"I'll always love you," I whispered true,
Hoping someday our paths would renew.
But she, haunted by doubt and fear,
Couldn't see a future with me near.

"Don't be tied to me," she pled,
As I vowed to wait for when our stars wed.
Her voice echoed softly, "Find your own way,
Perhaps then we'll be free, maybe one day."

Yet hope flickered faintly, a fragile flame ignited,
A whisper of a future where our hearts could be united.
"I'll be okay," I said, masking inner strife,
As our differences loomed, pulling at our life.

So, we broke up the night before my final exam,
Leaving me lost, wondering who I am.
After exams, thoughts clouded my mind,
Questioning what I'd missed to find.

Were there signs I failed to see?
Moments when I should've set her free?
She listed reasons, clear and stark,
Why our love couldn't weather the dark.

I tried to convince her, to hold on tight,
That love conquers all, with hope in sight.
But in her solitude, she found her peace,
While I sought solace in words, seeking release.

She listed our differences, reasons why we're not the same,
Our goals, our thoughts, our personalities like water and flame.
I pleaded for unity, for a future yet unseen,
While she saw our love's demise, carved in the in-between.

She dealt with problems in isolation's grasp,
While I sought solace in sharing, hoping to clasp
A future where love could conquer the divide,
But her isolation grew, her feelings to confide.

And when I turned to a friend, seeking guidance in despair,
My words of love only added to her despair.
She felt betrayed, my trust a knife in her heart,
Adding fuel to the fire that burnt us apart.

And so, dear friends, our tale finds its close,
Love's promise shattered, amid echoes of woes.
In the distance's echoes, our love fades away,
Lost in the space where dreams and realities stray.

Yet amidst the fragments of what once was so grand,
We hold onto memories, etched in love's silent sand.


Something Bout Her: Poems of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now