Seeking Representatives ( Part 1 )

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The next day...

"Huh? Go with you?"

"Surely Rinny-chan deserves a break from work, right? You could represent the GSC and join me at the resort with the other students."

"...You honestly don't think I have the luxury to idly waste my time as the acting president of the GSC, do you?"

"I suppose not, huh?"

The GSC students were diligent and took their responsibilities seriously. As the sole adult guiding them, Sensei felt a twinge of guilt at the thought of having fun while someone like Rin struggled to leave her office due to her heavy responsibilities. 

Rin noticed Sensei's hesitation and reassured him with a thoughtful smile, hoping to ease his concerns if ever so little. 

"Spend your remaining time with your beloved students, Sensei. You deserve every second of it," reassured Rin.

"Haha..." Sensei awkwardly scratched his hair and released a drawn-out sigh. "It feels really pathetic for a teacher to be reassured like this by his students..."

"Not at all. Just like any student, I want Sensei to be happy," Rin replied softly. Before she could continue, she bashfully ruffled her hair and diverted her gaze away from her teacher. "So please, have fun out there with your students... Knowing that you're happy until the very end will make me happy too."

Rin was the first student Sensei had confided in about his impending retirement. They exchanged appreciative smiles, knowing that someday soon, their paths would diverge, and they would no longer be part of each other's daily lives.

"Thank you... Rin."

Trinity General School

" I want to go with Sensei!"

" Take me with you, Sensei!"


" Senseiii!! Take me to the hot spring with you!"

" Sensei doesn't even care about any of you! I deserve to be Trinity's representative the most!"

Sensei had set out for Trinity campus to select a student to represent them in an upcoming event. To his surprise, as soon as he arrived, students swarmed around him, each eager to be chosen.

But before they could overwhelm him, students from JTF swiftly appeared and formed a protective circle around Sensei, shielding him from the crowd.

" W-What the hell is happening here?!"

"Some student came earlier boasting about going on a trip with you, saying that you'd come to Trinity to find a representative to take with you," Ichika, one of the JTF students, explained.

"...I assume that student's name is a first-year named Uzawa Reisa?"

"I believe so..." responded Ichika, a clear sign of stress was seen from her demeanor as they were struggling to hold off the students. "  UGH! You idiots got to stop pushing! You call yourselves Trinity students with how you all are acting like brutes?!"

"That brat..." Sensei sighed. "I told her both not to blabber about it to anyone..."

Familiar faces soon emerged from the crowd of students. Sensei had hoped they would help him out of this mess, but instead...

"Who told you to show yourself here, witch?!" one student barked.

"Shut up! You can take away my freedom here at Trinity, but I won't let you take Sensei from me! Move aside, The one going with Sensei is me!"

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