Ch. 80- Doctor's orders

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Kirishima loved his little boy. There were never any doubts about that.

He could be unexpectedly sweet, and innocent at times, but he could also be very volatile. His mood could easily switch in the blink of an eye. It didn't take much to set him off. He could be smiling and laughing one minute, and the next, screaming, crying and throwing a tantrum.

It all went hand-in-hand.

It was just something he had to accept and live with.

But just because he had accepted it, didn't mean he was immune. It was hard to gage what would provoke such a reaction. Lately it seemed as if the boy was just itching for attention whether it was positive or negative.

Nothing seemed to appease him. If anything, it did the exact opposite.

This situation was anything but ideal. He didn't like being at odds with Takafumi, but everything was turning into a fight and escalating.

If he told the boy to put his shoes on, he'd be ignored.

If he attempted to help him, he'd be yelled at and told, "I can do it myself!"

So what else could he do besides schedule a doctor's visit? He figured having some outside input could help the situation, if not, at the very least his son would be getting his annual check up. Nothing better than killing two birds with one stone, right?

He got ready first, taking a bit longer than usual because he wanted his baby to sleep longer and because he was kind of dreading waking him up. As the minutes ticked away, and their appointment drew closer, he braced himself and entered the room. Takafumi was resting peacefully on the center of the bed. He was sprawled out with his shirt exposing part of his stomach and his pants slightly twisted. A result from tossing and turning on the bed.

Kirishima took in the sight.

He looked so angelic when he slept.

It almost made him want to skip the doctor visit.


He leaned over the sleeping boy and placed an affectionate kiss to his lips. "Rise and shine, sweetheart."

Takafumi gave a big stretch and turned over.

The father simply bleated. Well, he could work with this. A sleepy baby was easier to dress than a misbehaving one. "Come here, 'Fumi." He picked the boy up and sat him on his front as he began rummaging for a pair of clean clothes.

He settled for a white shirt and some sweatpants.

Something simple and comfortable for their more than uncomfortable day.

He carried the boy to the bathroom and sat him on the sink.

Now that Yokozawa was being moved around and jostled, he became more alert. His grey eyes quickly took in his surroundings. He quickly registered that they were in the bathroom and that his daddy was attempting to remove his shirt.

He squirmed away. "No-

"Well, good morning to you too." Kirishima sighed, pulling his shirt clear off.

Yokozawa fussed as it was replaced with a new one and his face was wiped with a cold cloth. "S-stop." He shoved the elder's hands away futilely.

"How are you already being difficult? You just woke up. You can act up after I'm done getting you dressed and we're in the car." He said as he made quick work of his pants. Taking them off had been a lot easier than attempting to put new ones on. The boy had no intention of staying still or helping by putting his legs through the holes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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