part 41

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"Damnit I thought I told him to pick up his stuff" Kirishima thought while stepping on a lego. "Good thing I'm wearing shoes" Kirishima said aloud while shaking his head and walking up the steps to his sons room. Kirishima bumped into something or more like someone. "Oww" Yokozawa whined while rubbing his back. "Sorry" Kirishima quickly apologized while lifting his son. "What are you doing awake though" Kirishima questioned. "Couldn't fall asleep" Yokozawa answered. "Did you even try to fall asleep" Kirishima asked, giving Yokozawa a stern look. "Uhm....yes" Yokozawa answered. "Some reason I don't believe you" Kirishima replied, eyes a bit narrowed. "....." Yokozawa just stared. "Hmm. I think you should just start sleeping in my room" Kirishima added. "Why" Yokozawa asked, a small pout on his face. "That way I can keep an eye on you, and because I bumped into you on my way up the stairs" Kirishima replied. "Mm" Yokozawa hummed. "Ah, don't be so sad. You should love the idea of getting to sleep with me everyday~" Kirishima stated. "Down" Yokozawa asked while squirminig in his daddy's grasp. "No. You still have a nap to take, so lets go".

"No sweeping in that" Yokozawa stated. "But I bought it just for you" Kirishima replied, referring to the crib. "It looks like the cage you put Sorata in" Yokozawa huffed while shaking his head. "Its not a cage" Kirishima replied trying not to laugh. "No sweeping in there" Yokozawa repeated.
"Yes you are"
"No I not"
"Then I'll just have to take your giraffe stuffy away" Kirishima replied while trying to take the toy out of Yokozawa's hands. "Mine" Yokozawa stated while shaking his head. "Well now its daddy's" Kirishima said, finally getting the toy out of his sons grasp. "...." Yokozawa sniffled. "Shh shh, don't cry. You know why I took it" Kirishima stated while setting the toy on his bed. "Give back?" Yokozawa asked, tears pricking his eyes. "I don't think I should" Kirishima said while shaking his head. Yokozawa started crying making Kirishima feel bad. "Whats so special about this toy? He never cries about his other ones" Kirishima thought until he realized the reason why. "This is the first toy I ever I bought him". "Here, dont cry anymore" Kirishima said while giving Yokozawa back the giraffe plushie. "No want to sweep in there" Yokozawa said, eyes full of tears. "Do it for me?" Kirishima asked. "Mhm" Yokozawa hesitated but nodded nonetheless. "How am I supposed to get out" Yokozawa asked. "You're not supposed to" Kirishima chuckled while placing Yokozawa inside the crib. Yokozawa scowled while laying down, glaring up at the ceiling.

"So did you like your crib" Kirishima asked his son who was still glaring up at the ceiling. "No wike it" Yokozawa huffed while kicking the bars of the crib. "Oi, you're going to break it" Kirishima chuckled while lifting his son, before he could do any further damage. "Maybe I should add 'no kicking' to your rules" Kirishima thought aloud making Yokozawa want to roll his eyes. "Too many rules"Yokozawa complained. "Is that whining I hear" Kirishima asked a smirk on his face. "Only bad boys whine, but you're not a bad boy. You're a good boy, right? Yes, you're daddy's good boy" Kirishima baby talked making Yokozawa roll his eyes this time. Kirishima was too busy cooing at Yokozawa to notice though, which Yokozawa was grateful for, knowing if Kirishima wouldve seen him; he would've given him a two hour lecture on why little boys shouldn't do that. "Be a good boy for me and go put your shoes on" Kirishima stated while setting Yokozawa on the ground. "Mm up" Yokozawa stated while shaking his head. "And to think you always say you're a big boy" Kirishima laughed causing Yokozawa to bite him. "Save the biting for when we're in bed" Kirishima replied while lifting his son.

"Mm" Yokozawa squirmed in his carseat making it impossible for Kirishima to buckle him in. "Sit still" Kirishima stated causing Yokozawa to release a whine. "Why do you always fight against sitting in your seat?" Kirishima asked exasperated. Yokozawa ducked his head knowing that his daddy was getting a bit annoyed. "There, now dont you dare take off that seat belt. Remember what happened last time". Yokozawa nodded, a small pout on his face.

"Pick which one you want" Kirishima stated. "I want that one" Yokozawa stated while pointing at a tank full of goldfish. "You're going to have to be a bit more specific than that, baby" Kirishima replied. "That one" Yokozawa pointed again making Kirishima sigh. He didn't know which one his son was pointing at. "Come here" Kirishima said while lifting Yokozawa "Now pick". "I want that one" Yokozawa repeated while pointing, this time Kirishima noticed the pet fish his son wanted. "The small blue one" Kirishima asked earning a nod from his son.

"What are you gonna name it" Kirishima asked his son. "Whats your name" Yokozawa asked. "Daddy or Papa" Kirishima replied making Yokozawa pout. "Your first name?" Yokozawa asked a bit more specifically. "Eh, theres no harm in telling him" Kirishima thought. "It's Zen" Kirishima finally answered. "Thats his name then" Yokozawa replied while setting the fishbowl on his nightstand. Kirishima smiled, he was glad his son loved him enough to name his pet fish after him. "Come on, let your fish sleep" Kirishima stated while lifting his son and closing the door, leaving Sorata to watch the small fish intensely....

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