part 4

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"Remember when we get off you need to listen to me, and stay where I can see you" Kirishima reminded while parking at a store. "Ok daddy" Yokozawa replied while blushing. "Aww why are you blushing" Kirishima asked, admiring his little. "It's just.... lots of people always stare at me" Yokozawa replied, face turning even redder. "Thats because you're so adorable" Kirishima cooed at his son. "O..oh" Yokozawa replied.

"Mwah" Kirishima kissed Yokozawa's cheek while picking him up, using one arm to support him and the other to push the basket. "Daddy people are staring" Yokozawa whined while placing a hand on Kirishima's mouth. "So what? You're mine, and no one else's. They can stare all they want" Kirishima said while kissing Yokozawa's mouth. "Kay daddy" Yokozawa replied while blushing and hiding his face in Kirishima's shirt.

Small Time Skip~
"Daddy, I want to walk" Yokozawa stated while staring at his daddy. "You know how I feel about letting you walk around in places like this" Kirishima stated while holding Yokozawa tighter to his chest. "But daddy" Yokozawa whined. "No 'buts' daddy knows best" Kirishima said while giving Yokozawa a stern look. "Sorry" Yokozawa apologized while ducking his head. "How can I say no to that face" Kirishima sighed while smiling at Yokozawa. "Ok, but you better not let go of the basket" Kirishima warned while setting Yokozawa on the floor. "Ok" Yokozawa replied while grabbing onto the basket. "Aww, your son is so cute" a lady commented. "Thanks" Kirishima replied while smiling at her. Yokozawa just blushed while looking away.

"Yokozawa Takafumi!! I told you not to let go of the basket, didn't I? One more time and I'm going to spank you in front of all these people" Kirishima scolded. Kirishima would never spank him in front of anyone, but Yokozawa always believed it, so he grabbed the basket. "Nevermind come here" Kirishima said while lifting him off the floor and frowning. "You're being a very bad boy" Kirishima said while kissing Yokozawa and biting his lip. "Ow" Yokozawa whined while rubbing his bottom lip. "Shh, go to sleep" Kirishima shushed him while continuing to push the basket. "Sorry" Yokozawa apologized while shyly kissing his daddy on the lips. "Hmm" Kirishima hummed while licking where he'd bitten earlier, causing Yokozawa's breath to hitch. "Go to bed" Kirishima said while placing a gentle kiss on Yokozawa's neck. "K..kay daddy" Yokozawa stuttered while laying his head on Kirishima's shoulder. "Are you asleep" Kirishima asked while glancing down at his son. "Not yet" Yokozawa replied while lifting his head. "Do you want something" Kirishima asked. "No daddy" Yokozawa responded while shaking his head. "I want you to pick something" Kirishima said while patting Yokozawa's back. "No, it's ok" Yokozawa replied while shaking his head again, causing Kirishima to frown. "I told you to pick something, just because I scolded you doesn't mean I won't allow you to get anything" Kirishima said while nuzzling noses with him. "I don't want anything though" Yokozawa replied while scowling. "Are you sure" Kirishima asked while raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure" Yokozawa replied while nodding his head. "Ok" Kirishima replied while still staring at Yokozawa.

Time Skip~

"What do you want to do" Kirishima asked while sitting down on the floor with his son. "What do you want to do, daddy" Yokozawa asked, bluish-grey eyes looking up with curiosity. "Thats a very dangerous question, my prince" Kirishima replied while leaning in causing Yokozawa to fall on his back, Kirishima hovering over him. "D..daddy?" Yokozawa stuttered, warm breath reaching Kirishima's face. "Yes, my adorable baby" Kirishima replied inching closer to Yokozawa, letting his breath ghost over his face. "Uhm.... what are you doing" Yokozawa asked while blushing. "Whatever you want to do" Kirishima replied while leaning down and playfully kissing Yokozawa's lips repeatedly. "I want to go to sleep" Yokozawa stated. "Hmm, I guess we can take a nap" Kirishima replied while standing up and lifting his son off of the floor. "Daddy?" Yokozawa stated but it sounded more like a question. "What it is" Kirishima asked while walking up the stairs, to Yokozawa's room. "Didn't you have work or something today" Yokozawa asked. "I took a week off to spend time with you" Kirishima replied while smiling brightly at his son. "you didn't have to do that" Yokozawa said, feeling guilty. "Eh?! What do you mean 'i didn't have to'? Of course I did, It's a given that I spend time with the love of my life" Kirishima replied while opening the door to Yokozawa's room. "..." Yokozawa just blushed, hand wrapping tighter around Kirishima. "Have a good nap" Kirishima said while laying Yokozawa down on his bed.

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