part 18

658 18 14

One week time skip~

"C'mon its time to get up" Kirishima stated while shaking his son. "No wanna go to school" Yokozawa whined while covering his face with a pillow. "You're not going to school, papa's keeping his promise and taking you to work with him" Kirishima chuckled. "Really" Yokozawa asked, removing the pillow from his face. "Yes~" Kirishima responded, lifting his son. "But papa, its early" Yokozawa yawned while pointing at the clock that read 6:15a.m. "I know, papa has to go to work early today" Kirishima stated. "Oh..." Yokozawa replied.

At Marukawa Publishing~
"Whats that" Yokozawa asked while pointing. "Oi, no pointing. That's the Emerald department" Kirishima replied. "Oh" Yokozawa nodded. "Where do you work" Yokozawa asked. "You're quite talkative today" Kirishima commented making Yokozawa blush. "I'm just messing with you, papa works on the top floor" Kirishima answered. "Nice of you to join us Zen" Isaka Sr. waved. "
Kirishima nodded in his direction. "Is this your 'son'" Isaka Sr. asked. "Yeah, say hi" Kirishima encouraged, but Yokozawa just hid his face. "I guess he doesn't like me" Isaka Sr. stated while chuckling awkwardly. "He's just shy" Kirishima assured. "Hmm, well I'll see you later" Isaka Sr. replied while smiling and walking to the elevator.

"So this is my office" Kirishima sighed while sitting down on his desk chair. Kirishima was exhausted of walking already, Yokozawa insisted that his 'daddy' showed him everywheres inside of the building. "Is papa tired" Yokozawa asked, tilting his head. "No" Kirishima lied while ruffling Yokozawa's hair. "Well papa has to start working, do you want to use my phone" Kirishima asked, causing Yokozawa to shake his head. "Are you just gonna sit on my lap the whole day" Kirishima asked earning a nod from the boy. Kirishima shrugged, he didn't mind.

30 mins later~
Just as Kirishima expected, Yokozawa got bored. "I'm bored" Yokozawa stated trying to get off of his dad's lap, but Kirishima gave him a warning look. "I know, you've said that about 10 times already" Kirishima replied while pulling Yokozawa to his chest. "Mhm" Yokozawa whined. "Oi no whining. As I recall you said you were going to sit on my lap the whole day" Kirishima stated causing Yokozawa to release a puff on air and rest his chin on his daddy's shoulder.
"Im bored" Yokozawa stated again causing Kirishima to bite his lip. "Oww" Yokozawa whined. "If you're bored, go to sleep" Kirishima stated while readjusting his son so he was laying on his lap. "Not sleepy" Yokozawa stated. "Well I didn't ask" Kirishima replied causing Yokozawa to pout. "I can always drop you off at school if you're bored" Kirishima stated earning a shake of the head from Yokozawa. "Well I suggest you stop complaining and go to bed like a good boy" Kirishima stated causing Yokozawa to nod meekly. Kirishima glanced down only for his eyes to land on steely blue orbs. "Whats wrong" Kirishima asked while sitting Yokozawa up. "Nothing" Yokozawa replied arms wrapping around his daddy's neck. Kirishima sighed knowing he was being a bit unfair to his son, after all he should've known that Yokozawa would get bored. "Why don't you go look for something to do" Kirishima suggested. "Like what" Yokozawa asked. "Hm, I don't know. Go draw or something" Kirishima shrugged. "Hm, ok" Yokozawa nodded but made no attempt to get off of his papa's lap. "Whats wrong" Kirishima asked. "Can I get off" Yokozawa asked while blushing. "Yes, but don't touch the stapler or you'll be over my lap" Kirishima warned while setting Yokozawa on the floor. Yokozawa nodded while looking around his dads office.

"See this is why I tell you not to touch anything sharp" Kirishima scolded while examining Yokozawa's hand. Yokozawa sniffled, mostly because he knew his papa was disappointed. "Don't touch anything anymore" Kirishima stated while giving Yokozawa a warning spank causing him to yelp, but nod his head nonetheless. "Up?" Yokozawa asked, teary-eyed. "Hmm" Kirishima nodded while lifting his son and sitting back down. "I sorry" Yokozawa whispered while placing his head in the crook of his daddy's neck. "There's no reason for you to apologize, I should've been more specific" Kirishima stated while rubbing his son's back. Yokozawa just sniffled while wiping his face. "Does your hand still hurt" Kirishima asked earning a small nod from Yokozawa. Kirishima grasped Yokozawa's hand and brought it to his lips, placing a small kiss on the would making the boy gasp. "Better?" Kirishima asked, warm eyes incaptivating steely blue orbs. "Y..yes" Yokozawa stuttered, heat rising to his face. "Good" Kirishima nodded, patting his sons back. Yokozawa yawned and slowly relaxed onto his papa's chest. "Oi don't fall asleep, lunch is in a bit" Kirishima stated, but was met with soft snores.

At a restaurant with Takano and Ritsu~
"So Ritsu managed to waste all the ink in the printer" Takano stated making Ritsu blush. "Well Takafumi cut his hand" Kirishima commented making Yokozawa hide his face in Kirishima's shirt. "Maybe you should take him to the doctor" Takano suggested trying to scare Yokozawa. "Oi, leave him alone" Kirishima stated while patting Yokozawa's head. "You're no fun" Takano commented. "Neither are you" Kirishima shrugged. "Now I know why they always argue" Takano stated while shaking his head. "We don't always argue" Kirishima tried defending, but it was a lost cause.

Authors note: sorry this update is two days late, but I guarantee it was all Fanfictionlegacy's fault. She came over to help me write, but got too lost in her music~. 😂

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