part 32

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"But why?" Yokozawa asked just above a whisper

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"But why?" Yokozawa asked just above a whisper. "I have to go on a business trip" Kirishima answered, knowing he should have told his son/lover sooner. ".....why does papa always leave me" Yokozawa asked, tears rolling down his face. "I wasn't trying to leave you...... it's just that" Kirishima trailed off knowing no amount of excuses would stop his son from being mad at him. "......." Yokozawa just closed his eyes trying to stop the tears from rolling down his face. "Its my fault...I got too attached. And now here I am being sentimental. I know theres days where papa isn't going to be with me, I've known that from the begining. So why...? Why did I let myself become attached?" Yokozawa asked himself. "Its because you love him......I know I love him....but loving him makes it hurt even worse" Yokozawa thought while taking a step backwards. "Takafumi!!" Kirishima called after Yokozawa, who had taken off running. Kirishima ran after him only to have the door slam in his face, hearing a soft click indicating the door had been locked. Kirishima sighed placing a hand on the door "Please don't hate or be mad at me. Everything I do is for you to be happy....but I understand that you're mad....i love you~" Kirishima said tears rolling down his face. "I could never hate you" Yokozawa thought, head in his hands, leaning against the door.

Yokozawa heard his door knob turning. "How could I forget that papa has the key?" Yokozawa asked, waiting for his daddy to open the door, but Takano entered instead. "Hey..." Takano greeted awkwardly while sitting next to his nephew on the bed. "...h..hi" Yokozawa replied voice a bit strained from crying. "You know your papa loves you right?" Takano asked earning a small nod from Yokozawa. "He'd never do anything to hurt you unless he had to. And I'm sure he wouldn't have accepted the business trip unless he thought it was absolutely necessary" Takano stated making a few tears roll down Yokozawa's face again. "I know I'm childish and blow things way out of proportion....but I cant help it" Yokozawa sobbed. "You're papa's leaving in two hours. You might want to talk to him" Takano suggested while wiping Yokozawa's tears and leaving the room.

"....d..daddy" Yokozawa called making Kirishima jump in surprise. "Ah sorry. I was just packing" Kirishima said, voice laced with hurt. "....I..Im sowwy" Yokozawa apologized. "...i know I shouldn't question your decisions because you do everthing for me but....i .....l. Love you and.... I cant help but wonder.." Yokozawa trailed off face bright red. Kirishima's eyes widened here it was again, Yokozawa confessing his love. "You don't have to apologize. As your papa I should've been the braver one and told you I was leaving. And its only natural for you to question me. Just know you'll never have to question if I love you because the answer will always be yes" Kirishima replied lifting Yokozawa and hugging him to his chest. Yokozawa just exhaled shakily, whenever he hugged Kirishima the world seemed to be going in slow motion. Yokozawa wasn't one to believe in fairy tales but if this is what it felt like; he never wanted to lose it.

2 hours later
"...bye papa" Yokozawa said as Kirishima picked up his car keys. "Bye my beautiful prince. I'm going to miss you very much. Be a good boy for me, do everything your Uncle asks of you. I should be back in five days but I still expect you to call me everyday" Kirishima stated while hugging Yokozawa with one arm and kissing  him. "...Ill try" Yokozawa answered while blushing earning a quick nod from Kirishima. "Well......I have to get going. Bye" Kirishima said while giving Yokozawa one last kiss before walking towards his car.

"Does Taka-kun need a hug" Ritsu asked earning a nod from Takano. "Just move if he doesn't want to, ok, Takano warned knowing Yokozawa probably wanted some space. Ritsu nodded while walking towards his cousin who had his face in his hands crying. Ritsu sat down and hugged him, surprisingly Yokozawa hugged him back. "Its ok Taka-kun, you're papa will be back" Ritsu comforted, not knowing what else to do, usually Yokozawa would growl or shove him away. "Lets play a game or something" Takano suggested trying to brighten the mood.

They were currently playing a board game but it was going by quite slow due to Yokozawa's lack of interest. Ritsu stopped himself from complaining knowing his cousin was sad. "C'mon Takafumi its your turn" Takano stated. "...i don't want to play" Yokozawa sniffled. "Oi please dont cry again" Takano literally begged. "I...i want to go to bed" Yokozawa sniffled while rubbing his eyes. "Awe papa. We were supposed to stay up and watch tv" Ritsu stated while pouting. "I know. I know. We'll still stay up, but Takafumi us sleepy" Takano informed, Ritsu nodded understandingly.

Takano quickly helped Yokozawa change and tucked him in. "Call me if you need anything" Takano said while turning off the light and exiting the room. "......of course I won't be able to fall asleep" Yokozawa sighed while twisting and turning.

A while later
"Stop fighting" Takano warned, glaring at both boys. Both boys huffed causing Takano to growl. "Ok everyone is going to bed, I'll tuck yall in but you are not to come out of your room" Takano stated. Both boys walked to their rooms but nit before scowling at eachother. "This is definitely going to be a challenge" Takano sighed.

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