Part 74- Pocky challenge 🍫

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Kirishima & Yokozawa

The handsome father stared at his baby boy who was just laying on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. He had a blank look on his face as he peered up boredly. Deciding he should engage his son in basically anything else that was more progressive than that, Kirishima hovered over him.

"What are you doing little boy?"

Yokozawa blushed lightly. "N-nothing, papa." He mumbled out, fidgeting nervously under his dad's searing gaze.

"Nothing? Hmn, that doesn't seem too fun. Why don't you hang out with Daddy?" The hazel eyed man asked, not really waiting for a response as he hooked his hands under the boy's arms and lifted him. "Truth be told, I'm feeling a bit selfish today and want all of your attention."

The gray eyed boy only gazed skeptically as he was placed on Kirishima's hip. He didn't understand what his daddy meant, or what he had in mind for that matter, but instead of sitting in silence and guessing, he figured it'd be best to ask. "What are we gonna do?"

"Ahh, my little boy must've been very bored if he's interested in what papa has in mind." Kirishima teased, placing an affectionate kiss on his sons cheek. "As to your question, I was thinking we could play a game."


"You wanna play racecars? I had a different game in mind baby."

Upon seeing his son's lip twitch down into a frown, the dad backtracked. "Ahh, no, no, no. Don't pout my beautiful baby. How about we play papa's game first and then we'll play what you want?"

Surprisingly the boy agreed. More than happy to play along if it meant he'd get what he wanted.

Since it seemed that they were both content, the curly haired man walked to the kitchen and grabbed a box of something. Yokozawa tried to steal a glance and find out what it was, but the father tucked it into his pocket and lifted his baby's chin up.

"Eyes up, baby. I want to see your pretty face." Kirishima distracted before placing the boy down. "Be a good boy for papa and take a few steps back."

In Yokozawa's eyes confusion shone brightly but he obeyed nonetheless. He took a couple of steps back and simply stared at his daddy like a confused puppy.

"A bit more, baby. Scoot back until your back is against the wall."

The raven haired boy did as told. He took a few more steps until his back was pressed firmly against the cold wall. A shiver ran down his spine.

"Perfect." Kirishima admired, opening the box he had and pulling out a chocolate covered biscuit stick. He pondered for a second, this game would be more fun if Yokozawa didn't know what he had, so he decided to change it up. "Close your eyes for me."

His baby instinctively shook his head. "Papa-

"Come on. Don't be so shy. Just close your eyes for a second."

He received a small whimper of distaste in response, but his son did as told and allowed his eyes to flutter shut.

Now that Yokozawa's eyes were closed, he felt vulnerable. One of his most important senses had just been taken away from him, he couldn't see his daddy, but he could definitely hear him. The sound of footsteps stealthily approached.

Then it all went quiet.

He knew Kirishima was in front of him because he'd reached a hesitant hand out and grabbed the elder by his shirt, also he could smell him. The cologne Kirishima was wearing was very prominent.

Then, out of nowhere, he felt something touch his lips. He bit back his terrified yelp and settled for jolting. "P-papa?" The boy asked worriedly, becoming anxious.

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