part 54

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"Come on my precious baby boy, its time to wake up. We have to start heading home" Kirishima said while placing a gentle kiss on Yokozawa's lips. "Sweepy" Yokozawa mumbled while sleepily rubbing his eyes. "Its 9a.m. Does daddy have to give you an earlier bed time and more naps" Kirishima questioned while poking his son who released a small whine. "Come on Takafumi, we have to start heading home" Kirishima repeated. Yokozawa released a sigh, reluctantly sitting up in bed, a bit teary eyed. "Awe my poor baby. I know you're sleepy. Once we get in the car, I promise I'll let you go back to bed" Kirishima stated making Yokozawa give a small nod.

"Did you go to the restroom" Kirishima asked his son who blushed while shaking his head. Sometimes Yokozawa wondered if his daddy purposely said embarrassing things loudly to embarrass him. "Well do you have to go" Kirishima asked, raising an eyebrow. "Mm-mm" Yokozawa replied while shaking his head. "Are you sure? Daddy doesn't want you having an accident" Kirishima asked making Yokozawa whine. "I no have to go" Yokozawa mumbled, looking away. "Hmm, if you say so" Kirishima replied, not wanting to upset his son. Kirishima could care less if Yokozawa had an accident in his car, his main concern would be comforting him. "Let me see your suitcase" Kirishima demanded. "Why" Yokozawa questioned, dragging his suitcase behind him. "Because I can't have my baby doing stuff by himself" Kirishima stated making Yokozawa scowl. "Why not" Yokozawa asked. "Because Im your daddy, its my job to do everything for you" Kirishima replied, easily picking up his sons suitcase. "Papa" Yokozawa whined. "What? Do you want me to carry you to the car too?" Kirishima asked. "" Yokozawa said a bit too late, whining as Kirishima lifted him up and sat him on his hip. "Papa I wanted to walk" Yokozawa whined squirming in Kirishima's grasp. "Stop whining or I'll give you something to whine about" Kirishima threatened instantly making Yokozawa shut up and rest his head on his daddy's shoulder. "There's my good boy" Kirishima praised, quickly making his son blush again.

"Takafumi, put your seat belt back on" Kirishima said, glancing at his son. "Its uncomfortable" Yokozawa whined making Kirishima's eye twitch. "Well its either the seatbelt or my belt, pick" Kirishima said making Yokozawa's eyes widen. "You wouldn't" Yokozawa huffed. "Dont test me Takafumi" Kirishima growled. Yokozawa quickly backed down and buckled his seatbelt. "Good now keep it on. I wont hesitate to pull this car over and spank you" Kirishima said sternly making Yokozawa sniffle. "Awe dont cry. Daddys only trying to keep you safe. What if I have to step on the brakes or something and you're not wearing your seatbelt; you're going to get hurt" Kirishima said, watching tears roll down his sons cheeks. "Im sowwy" Yokozawa cried, ducking his head. "Just be a good boy and keep your seatbelt on. I wouldn't want to have to go through with my threat, and Im sure you wouldn't want that either, right" Kirishima asked, earning a shakey 'no' from his son. "Go night-night" Kirishima said while reclining the passenger seat and giving Yokozawa his giraffe stuffy. Yokozawa released a small whine while staring at Kirishima. "Whats wrong, hmm?" Kirishima asked making Yokozawa blush. "Ohhh, did daddy forget to give his baby a kiss" Kirishima teased, waiting till they stopped at a red light before giving his son a kiss on the lips. "Now go to bed" Kirishima said while ruffling his sons hair a bit. "But" Yokozawa was cut off by Kirishima placing a finger over his lips. "I'll wake you up when we get to your Uncle Takano's house, ok" Kirishima said, watching his son pout but nod nonetheless.

Time skip~
"So what did you do on your vacation?" Takano asked Yokozawa who was currently playing with Sorata. "See fireworks" Yokozawa replied, hugging Sorata to his chest. "Ahh, did you have fun" Takano asked making Yokozawa nod. "Well I guess your not going to talk anymore" Takano said while shrugging. "He's probably just tired" Kirishima replied. "How is your son always sleepy" Takano asked. "Because hes my baby. Plus Id rather have him sleepy than causing trouble" Kirishima answered, staring at Ritsu who was kicking a soccer ball. "Ritsu, you're going to break something" Takano scolded. "No I'm not" Ritsu huffed, rolling his eyes. Yokozawa just stared. "Your son doesn't listen" Kirishima chuckled. "..he does, he's just acting out" Takano defended. "Plus your son doesn't listen to you either" Takano added. "Yes he does, I'll have you know I only had to scold him once today" Kirishima stated, pulling Yokozawa on his lap. "What'd he do" Takano asked making Yokozawa blush and hide his face in Kirishima's shirt. "My baby thought it'd be a good idea to take off his seatbelt, but daddy took care of it, right Takafumi" Kirishima stated, aiming the question at his son who nodded meekly. "I mean just because he obeyed you doesn't mean hes not going to do it again" Takano commented. "I'm pretty sure he wont, but if he does I already told him whats going to happen" Kirishima replied. Yokozawa released a whine making Kirishima place a kiss on his nose. "So you threatened him? Thats not teaching him anything" Takano tsked making Kirishima raise an eyebrow. "This is coming from the person who threatens his son 24/7. Plus it wasn't a threat, I gave my son a choice. Its either he put his seatbelt on or I took off my belt" Kirishima said while shrugging. "You wouldn't hit him with your belt, you're far too soft" Takano replied making Kirishima shoot him a glare. Of course Kirishima would never hit his son with his belt, it was the thought that counts. "Papa, wanna go home" Yokozawa said, a slight whine in his voice. "Be patient, we'll head home in a bit. Go to sleep" Kirishima said, rocking Yokozawa on his lap. "No wanna go sweep" Yokozawa whined making Kirishima smirk. "Well go play with Ritsu then" Kirishima suggested. "....". Yokozawa shook his head, while hugging his daddy. "Awe why not? Im sure Ritsu missed you, and would love to play" Kirishima teased. "Mm-mm" Yokozawa replied, snuggling into Kirishima's chest. "Ok then, go to bed" Kirishima said making Yokozawa nod. "Ok, we should start heading home. Its my baby's bed time" Kirishima said while standing up. "You're sending him to bed at 7p.m. now?" Takano questioned, a bit surprised. "Yes, but by the time we get home and I finally get him ready for bed it should be 8pm either way" Kirishima replied making Takano nod understandingly. "Well we'll see you whenever we have time. Thanks for looking after Sorata" Kirishima said while picking up the pet carrier. "No problem, but that cat eats far too much" Takano commented gruffly. "I guess Takafumi needs to stop over feeding him then" Kirishima chuckled. "Alright bye" Takano gave a short wave, watching them leave.

Authors Note: I decided to update today because I wont have much times on the weekends anymore, I got a part time job. Anyways, hope you enjoy the update~

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