part 42

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"Dont jump in the water....too late" Kirishima sighed as he watched Yokozawa jump in the puddle. "Papa pway" Yokozawa asked. Kirishima shook his head in response. "Pwease, daddy" Yokozawa asked, a small pout on his face. Kirishima looked at the dirty water and then at his son. "I really don't want to, but his wants and needs come before my own" Kirishima thought while releasing a defeated sigh and nodding. "But we're taking a bath one we get home, ok" Kirishima stated earning a compliant nod from Yokozawa. Kirishima cringed while stepping into the small puddle of water. "Today was definitely a bad day to wear white".

Yokozawa had a small blush on his face. He was currently seated with Kirishima inside of the bathtub. Yokozawa watched his daddy lean against the side of the tub and close his eyes. "Why're you blushing" Kirishima asked, eyes still closed. " not" Yokozawa replied a bit startled making Kirishima release an amused chuckle. "I don't need to have my eyes open to know that you're blushing~" Kirishima said, a smirk on his face. Yokozawa chose to stay silent, until Kirishima decided to pull him on his lap. Yokozawa gulped as he saw Kirishima give him a predatory smirk. "What are you doing" Yokozawa asked, as Kirishima leaned forward, lips ghosting over his. "Kiss me" Kirishima stated seductively. "N..nani?" Yokozawa asked in confusion. "It wouldn't kill you to initiate the first kiss" Kirishima replied, warm breath making Yokozawa shiver. Yokozawa slowly brought his closed lips to Kirishima's. "You could at least open your mouth" Kirishima teased. " trying" Yokozawa muttered while looking away "I know. It looks like I'm going to have to show you how its done" Kirishima stated, bringing his lips to Yokozawa's, and slowly trailing down his neck. "Nngn" Yokozawa released a small whimper. "Shhh" Kirishima shushed him while continuing to leave hickies all over his sons jawline, and neck. Yokozawa's small pants and moans met Kirishima's ear, making Kirishima smirk and grab his member. Yokozawa released a gasp, nails digging into his daddy's back, making Kirishima groan.

Skip the *ahem* steamy moment~
"You're going to get dizzy" Kirishima commented, watching his son do a couple of 'chair spins'. "No I not" Yokozawa replied. "Well I'm going to need my chair back, daddy has to do some work" Kirishima stated. "I was sitting here first" Yokozawa replied making Kirishima chuckle. "Well sharing is caring so, scoot over" Kirishima said while moving Yokozawa over a bit. Yokozawa pouted while crawling on his daddy's lap and nuzzling into his chest. "You're not going to let me get any work done today, are you" Kirishima asked, eyebrow raised. "Mm-mm" Yokozawa replied while shaking his head. "But Papa has to work. Go draw me a picture or something" Kirishima suggested while giving Yokozawa a small kiss on the nose. "....i drew a picture for you this morning" Yokozawa replied while crossing his arms. "That was this morning, I want you to draw me another one" Kirishima said while giving Yokozawa a pencil and paper. "Nu want to" Yokozawa replied whike shaking his head. "Ah. Someone must be getting feisty because its past their nap time".

"No nap"
"Daddy will even read you a bedtime story" Kirishima persuaded. "Mm" Yokozawa gave a slight hum. "Ok, what story do you want me to read" Kirishima asked while sitting Yokozawa down on his lap. "Make one" Yokozawa replied. "...Uhm...ok. Once upon a time-". "Sounds like the one you read yesterday" Yokozawa interrupted. "Shh. Don't interrupt the story" Kirishima warned while pinching Yokozawa's cheek. "So as I was saying. Once upon a time~"

"And they lived happily ever after" Kirishima said while looking down at his son who was fast asleep. "Was he sleepy or did my story bore him to death" Kirishima asked himself while slowly laying Yokozawa on his bed and flicking the lights off.

Time skip~
"Papa my pet fish is missing.....

Authors note~ sorry I left this chapter with a cliffhanger😂. I feel content with the way this chapter turned out, I added more detail and fluff. All in all, im very proud of myself. *pats back*. Feel free to leave any ideas for future chapters, till next time.
             Sincerly, Cielsempaii~❤

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