part 40

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"What are you doing" Kirishima asked, startling his son. "I pwaying game" Yokozawa replied showing his Papa the phone screen. "Ah...." Kirishima responded while sitting next to his son. "I forgot my laptop can you go get it for me" Kirishima asked. "M'kay" Yokozawa replied leaving his phone on the couch and heading towards his Papa's office. Kirishima looked at the phone, he had a strong urge to go looking through it. "Hmm. I really shouldn't look through his phone, afterall it's his, but then again I'm his daddy and I have every right to go looking through it" Kirishima thought while picking up the phone and going through it. Kirishima looked through the phone's search history and saw nothing out of the ordinary, just a bunch of games and movies. Kirishima pressed the home button and was about to shut off the phone until a message came in. Before Kirishima could read the message the message disappeared. "What are you doing Papa" Yokozawa asked, head tilted. "Uh... Nothing, did you bring my laptop" Kirishima asked, dodging his sons question and giving him back his phone. "Did you want to pway the game" Yokozawa asked innocently while opening his phone and handing it back to his daddy. "No. You play. Papa has some work to do" Kirishima replied, smiling. Kirishima felt a bit bad for looking through his sons phone, but one thought remained. Who had messaged his son? "Takafumi, who do you talk with on your phone" Kirishima asked casually while opening his laptop. "Um..Chiaki, Kisa, and sometimes Ritsu" Yokozawa replied. "You don't talk with anyone else? Not even texting" Kirishima asked. "Uhm.... no" Yokozawa answered. "Hmm" Kirishima hummed while nodding his head.

"Finally" Kirishima sighed while closing his laptop. "Papa finished?" Yokozawa asked making Kirishima frown a bit, his son really didn't call him 'daddy' as often anymore. "Yup, what do you want to do" Kirishima asked while pulling Yokozawa on his lap. "Uhm..... I dunno" Yokozawa answered, Kirishima was about to respond until Yokozawa's phone made a small ringing noise, indicating someone had messaged him. Kirishima's eyes narrowed a bit as he watched Yokozawa answer the message. "Let daddy see your phone" Kirishima stated while holding out his hand. Yokozawa nodded while putting the phone in his daddy's hand. "There now back to the question that I asked" Kirishima said while powering off the phone and placing it inside of his coat pocket. "Mhm...." Yokozawa hummed while thinking. "I dunno" Yokozawa finally answered making Kirishima sigh.

"You can't bring that with you" Kirishima stated. "Why" Yokozawa asked, hugging the giraffe stuffy to his chest. "Because I said so" Kirishima replied. "Why" Yokozawa asked again. Kirishima's eye twitched in irritation. "Because when daddy says no it means no" Kirishima replied sternly. "Mm" Yokozawa whined while looking away. "Come on, you said you wanted to go to the aquarium" Kirishima said while trying to take the toy out of Yokozawa's hands, but Yokozawa hugged it even tighter. "Mine" Yokozawa stated while sitting on the floor with the toy. Kirishima was a bit amused and annoyed with his sons behavior. "Daddy's not letting you bring that toy, because I know if you lose it; you'll never stop crying. Remember last time?" Kirishima asked while crossing his arms. Yokozawa blushed while nodding his head. "Exactly" Kirishima replied while lifting his son off the floor.

At the aquarium~
"Wow" Yokozawa awed at the fish making Kirishima smile. "Do you like the fishes" Kirishima asked making Yokozawa nod. "I'll buy you a pet fish" Kirishima stated making Yokozawa raise an eyebrow. "Are you trying to make me get rid of sorata again" Yokozawa asked, a small pout on his face. "...No" Kirishima answered making Yokozawa's pout turn into a scowl. "I wouldn't make you get rid of Sorata, I know you love him" Kirishima said while ruffling his sons hair. "We go look at sharks?" Yokozawa asked. "You're not afraid of them" Kirishima asked. "No, they're just big fishes" Yokozawa responded. "Nuh-uh sharks bite, which means they'll eat you" Kirishima replied. "No they wont" Yokozawa pouted.
"Yes they will"
"Uh huh"
"Nuh uh" Yokozawa and Kirishima bickered back and forth. "Yes they will" Kirishima stated while kissing Yokozawa all over his face making him laugh, unbeknown to them someone was watching them....

Iokawa's p.o.v
"They look so happy together, I don't want to ruin what they have. So I guess I'll leave 'takafumi' alone, even if I do love him" and with that, Iokawa walked the other direction.

Authors note~ sorry i havent updated in like....almost 3 weeks

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