Part 59

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"Is not""Is too""I agree with Takafumi""Well I don't"

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"Is not"
"Is too"
"I agree with Takafumi"
"Well I don't"

"What are y'all fighting about now" Kirishima asked all four boys.

"Taka-kun says the Easter bunny doesn't exist" Ritsu answered, earning an eye roll from Yokozawa.

"Because it doesn't" Yokozawa huffed out.

"Well you're stupid" Ritsu replied making Yokozawa glare at him.

Kirishima glared at Takano, and for once, Takano looked uneasy. 

Kirishima pulled Yokozawa by the back of his shirt and held him in place while pulling out his phone.

From Kirishima to Takano-
I suggest if you don't want a murder scene to unfold, you tell your son to watch what he says. I don't take lightly to people calling my son names. I don't call him that so what gives your son the right to call him that for stating his opinion?

Kirishima sent the message, glare never leaving his face as he lifted his son up and gave him a kiss.

Takano read the message and gave Kirishima an apologetic look.

"Ritsu stop saying that word or we're going to go home" Takano scolded making Ritsu give a small nod.

Just then Hatori and Yukina walked in, having come back from the store. Immediately they felt the tension.

"Uhm, did we miss something" Yukina asked, taking in Kirishima's appearance. Kirishima had a glare on his face and his whole body language seemed hostile. Overall, Kirishima looked beyond pissed.

"No, everythings fine" Kirishima replied through gritted teeth while giving Yukina a forced smile. This only served to surprise Yukina, he'd never seen Kirishima mad. Kirishima was always easy-going, and smiling.

"If you say so" Yukina shrugged dismissively, knowing one of them would eventually tell him what happened.

. . . .
"You ok Papa" Yokozawa asked as Kirishima laid him on the bed and hovered over him.

Kirishima just hummed, taking in his sons appearance. Yokozawa frowned a bit but decided not to push it, if something was bothering his daddy, his daddy would let him know.

"I don't want you leaving this room until your cousins and uncles leave" Kirishima finally stated, giving Yokozawa a stern look.

"Why? Am I in twouble" Yokozawa asked, biting his lip.

"No, I just don't want you talking to Ritsu right now. I'm a bit...mad at him" Kirishima replied, placing a kiss on Yokozawa's cheek.

"But I don't want to be in your room all day" Yokozawa pouted. Giving his daddy, who was still hovering over him a sad look.

"I know, but its close to your nap time anyways. By the time you wake up they should be gone" Kirishima responded.

"No. I no wanna go sweep" Yokozawa scowled, tears filling his eyes.

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