part 34

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"I'm tired" Yokozawa whined causing Takano to sigh

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"I'm tired" Yokozawa whined causing Takano to sigh. "We just entered the store. Which means you've only walked for about 3 minutes how can you be tired" Takano asked. "Tired" Yokozawa stated again. "How does his father manage to carry him 24/7" Takano asked himself while lifting Yokozawa. "Better" Takano asked earning a nod from Yokozawa. "Good" Takano replied gruffly. Yokozawa released a small yawn while placing his head on Takano's shoulder.

"You said you were tired, so go to bed" Takano stated while tucking Yokozawa in for the sixth time. "No want to" Yokozawa replied while sitting up again. "Well I didn't ask, I told you" Takano said tucking Yokozawa in again and closing the door.
A while later~
Takano sighed when he heard footsteps. "Go to bed Takafumi" Takano said while lifting the boy and carrying him back to his room. "I'm going to tell your papa to buy you a crib, that way you wont be climbing out of bed" Takano added while depositing Yokozawa back on the bed who whined. "What's wrong. Are you hungry or something" Takano asked earning a shake of the head from Yokozawa. "Well go to sleep. Its your nap time" Takano added. "No want to" Yokozawa replied while sliding off the bed. "I'm going to call your papa and tell him you're being a bad boy" Takano threatened. Yokozawa walked back to his bed while releasing a dramatic sigh and laying down face first. "Drama king" Takano said while shaking his head and covering the sulking boy with a blanket.

2 hours later~
"Oi! Be quiet I'm on the phone!" Takano yelled causing both boys to raise an eyebrow and cast a "what did we do this time" look at eachother. "...did I do something wrong" Yokozawa asked himself, eyes becoming a bit teary. "Oi. Don't cry" Takano said but it came out a bit harsher than intended making Yokozawa sniffle a few tears rolling down his face. Just then Yukina walked in. "I'm here" Yukina stated while setting Kisa down who quickly ran over to Yokozawa. "Papa! Takafumi's crying" Kisa shouted making Yukina frown. "Why's he crying" Yukina asked, directing the question to Takano who sighed. "I scolded them for being to loud and then I ...kind of yelled at him for crying" Takano explained. "I think you need to take a break" Yukina suggested while giving Takano a disapproving look. "Yeah...I think that'd be best" Takano replied while nodding. He needed to cool down a bit before he unintentionally made things worse.

"C'mon smile for your Uncle Yukina" Yukina stated while bouncing Yokozawa on his knee. Yokozawa released a small sniffle while laying his head on Yukina's chest. He was a bit sad that his Uncle had yelled at him and he missed his papa. Overall Yokozawa just wanted to disappear and never be found. "C'mon. Im pretty sure your papa wouldn't approve of seeing you like this" Yukina said while tickling Yokozawa, making him give a slight smile. "Ok. Now that everyones happy again, how about we go to the park" Yukina suggested earning two eager nods and one slight nod.

"Ok. We're going to play....tag" yukina suggested. "Yay!!" Everyone cheered except for Yokozawa who was still feeling a bit down. "Do you not want to play" Yukina asked while leaning down a bit to meet Yokozawa's gaze. Yokozawa shook his head in response. "That's ok. You'll just help me catch them, alright?" Yukina stated while lifting Yokozawa. He wasn't going to force the boy to play if he didn't want to. Yokozawa gave a slight hum in response.
"Ok. I'll give you two boys a 15 second head start before the game officially starts" Yukina stated. "But papa, why are you giving us a head start? You're not that fast and your carrying Takafumi" Kisa asked. "Because I'm going to make a bet with you two. That should make this game of tag a bit more interesting" Yukina replied with a smile. "Hm.. you have caught my interest" Ritsu said, intrigued. "Ok. Here's the deal. If I can't catch you two after 30 minutes I'll take y'all out for icecream but if I catch you we'll have to go shopping"  Yukina stated. "Ew! Shopping is boring" Kisa said while pouting. "Sounds like someone is afraid to lose against his daddy" Yukina said while chuckling making Kisa stick out his tongue. "..fine. We'll win anyways" Kisa replied confidently.

"Not fair" Ritsu and Kisa said in union while pouting. "It was very fair. I caught both of you. That was the deal" Yukina responded while smiling and reajusting Yokozawa who had fallen asleep a long time ago. Yukina was still questioning how he could sleep through all that, the boy must have been jostled over a thousand times due to Yukina's running but yet he was still able to sleep. "You caught me because I tripped" Ritsu said while crossing his arms. Yukina gave a slight chuckle. "Fine. We'll call it a tie. I'll buy y'all icecream and in return y'all need to behave while we do a bit of shopping" Yukina stated earning a 'thank you' from both boys. "Though~ I would've won reguardless" Yukina added making Ritsu huff.

"So as promised I expect you two to behave" Yukina said, directing the statement at Kisa and Ritsu as Yokozawa was still asleep. "Maybe I should wake him up" Yukina thought while staring at the boy who was using his shoulder as a pillow. "But then again I was warned that he's moody when he wakes up" Yukina decided to let the boy sleep, after all he had no clue how bad one of Yokozawa's tantrums could be and he didn't want to find out.

"Papa. Im bored" Kisa stated while releasing a small sigh. Yukina hummed in thought. "How about you and Ritsu go pick out a toy. I'll be waiting right here. You have 10 minutes" Yukina stated causing both boys to take off running. A couple of minutes later and both boys returned with a couple of toys in hand. Yukina shrugged, whatever made them behave.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Hatori should be coming over as well" Yukina stated, returning Ritsu and Yokozawa back into the care of Takano. "Arigato. I needed a break" Takano said while running a hand through his hair. "I figured as much. Will you be okay?" Yukina asked while giving Takano a questioning look. "I'll be fine. Thanks again for watching them" Takano replied. "Anytime. Take care" Yukina said while lifting his son and exiting the apartment.

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