Chapter 12 - Out of Reach

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I follow Pop outside and he shoves the sack in my hands.

I grunt at the impact, but I don't say anything until he does.

I know he's mad.

It's my fault.

I don't know why Vi tried to say it was hers...

I'm the leader and it comes down to my decision whether we do a job or not.

Well, I know why Vi was there.

Pop likes Vi.

If I wasn't here, he would've made her his replacement when he retired.

If I had to guess he wants as many capable people as possible to be taught right, so they can protect the Undercity when the time comes.

Pop shoots a glare at Claggor and Mylo who were sitting on the stairs. He pointed to the sack I was holding and made a motion with hand that told them all they needed to hear. Claggor and Mylo handed Pop the things that had in their hands. He handed them to me so I could put them in.

"But that was mine..." Mylo whined.

"You want to be treated like adults, right? Well, I'm treating you like adults. You should know better than to come back empty handed." Pop said, his voice hard.

Pop then turned to me and motioned me to follow him.

"We're going out." Pop said as we started climbing the stairs.

"Now?" I asked.

"I'm going to have a little word with your informant." Vander said.

"Pop... Little man didn't do anything. He just has a good ear." I pleaded.

I didn't want Ekko to get into trouble.

I came to view him as a little brother just like I viewed Powder as my little sister.

"Details. I want details of what exactly happened up there, Dina." Pop said as we went through the back door.

I sighed and rubbed my temples feeling a headache coming on.

My body already hurt and now I was getting scolded by Pop.


"Okay. All right... Everything was fine. I looked out for enforcers; we weren't scene the whole way there... Had no incident. We got to the place where Little Man said expensive items were and Vi kicked the door in. Still, everything was fine. It was going smoothly. I think... I think it was a blue crystal that caused the explosion. The pilitie who lived there seemed like they were an inventor. We saw one of their inventions lying on a table with one of those blue crystals sitting in the middle. My senses... they rang alarm bells as soon as I saw the thing." I explained.

"And? You didn't think that was cause for getting out of there? Dina you're smarter than that..." Pop said disapprovingly with a shake of his head.

"I did trust my senses, Pop. Mylo was going to touch it, but I yanked his hand away before he could. The crystals looked expensive so I thought they might only have the one, but I guess that was where I went wrong.... I think... I think Powder found more in the other room. She loves the techy stuff, so I'm sure she sniffed it out." I said.

"And then? The... crystal.... How did it end up exploding?" Vander asked as we got closer to Benzo's

"I don't know really. I saw it rolling on the floor... Maybe they can become unstable? That makes the most sense to me. As it rolled, I guess it became more and more unstable. I saw it and I yelled for everyone to get out. Once everyone was out I huddled them together and used my body as a shield so they wouldn't get hurt." I answered, eyebrows furrowed.

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