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Finally WOS #1 is officially over.

Thank you for journeying through this tale with me. Writing this story has been an incredible experience, and I'm deeply grateful for your time and attention.

The characters and the world they inhabit have grown very dear to me, and I hope they have touched you in some way too. This story was inspired by a blend of personal experiences, daydreams, and the many books and stories I've cherished over the years.

If you enjoyed this story, please consider sharing it with others who might also find joy in these pages. Your support means the world to me, whether it's through word of mouth, reviews, or simply connecting with me on social media.

Thank you once again for being part of this adventure. Your readership is a gift I do not take lightly.

Until our paths cross again in another story, I wish you all the best in your own adventures.

Stay Hydrated!

With gratitude,

Kairu Ichigo

chars! magkita rata ninyo sa Whispers Series #2. Makita ra ninyo sa akoang published stories entitled, “Whispers of Serenade”.

Whispers of Solace (Whispers Series #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon