Chapter five: Hesh gets captured

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Hesh's POV

(Hesh is scene outside outpost 8191, he sent an encrypted message to his squadmates.)

Hesh: This is a one-way message to my teammates. Spartan Hesh here. I've been separated from my teammates since last night. I can't get through on your comm channels because the planet's connection is like a broken web, fragile and unreliable.

I appear to be close to outpost 8191. I have visual confirmation of a leader inside the base, and there's no doubt about it... it's Ezekielson. This could be my only shot to slow them down, so I'm going to engage. White Team, serving with you all these years has been like navigating through a stormy sea; challenging yet fulfilling. I hope you're getting this message. Good luck out there. Over and out.

Suit AI: Transmission sent.

(Hesh walked to the outpost on foot, as he was walking on foot. He saw an Insurrectionist sniper in the far edge, he pulled out his switch blade and sliced his throat.)

Hesh: There, there, take a nap while I pay your boss a visit.

(As Hesh slided on the edge of the canyon, he climbed onto the the sniper tower... As he did, Hesh looked through his binoculars and saw what was going on in the outpost, and to his horror the pandorian life species were being captured and experimented on by the Insurrectionists... Another part showed some of the Na'vi's being experimented alive.)

Hesh: Holy... This is just like what Spartan Ezekielson really wanted, but it looks to me it's a torture outpost.

(He spots spartan Ezekielson with Doctor MacDonald approaching one of the hammerhead titanothere in it's cage.)

Spartan Ezekielson: Alright Doctor what do we have?

Doctor MacDonald: So according the squads report last night, they said they have encountered what appeared to be the UNSC.

Spartan Ezekielson: Hmm, what fire team did they deploy.

Doctor MacDonald: According to what we got from the UNSC infinity, Spartan Palmer sent spartan white team to apprehend you sir.

Spartan Ezekielson: Well i guess they might be loose in the jungle then, and i guess we could try to capture one of them perhaps. (He access his come channels.) All Insurrectionist and RDA troopers find the members of spartan white team and bring them here alive. 

Hesh: He's after them including me... I better start cooking right now in the outpost. (He pulls out his weapons and jumps down to the outpost.) HEY EZEKIELSON, YOU LOOKING FOR THE SPARTANS YOU WERE LOOKING FOR! I'M HERE, LETS GET AQCUAINTED!!

(Hesh opened fire at the troopers as well with the caged animals in the outpost, but since the Insurrectionists and RDA's power was so strong that Hesh got over powered they're heavy power and got unconscious. Captain Johnson cuffed Spartan Hesh and took him to the interrogation lab to be interrogated by Spartan Ezekielson.)

The interrogation lab 

(Meanwhile in the interrogation room, Hesh was scene cuffed to a chair as the Insurrectionist spartans interrogated, just the Captain Johnson came inside the room where Spartan Ezekielson was.)

Captain Johnson: He's a positive match Commander from the UNSC records, Its Spartan Hesh Iron.

Spartan Ezekielson: Hmm, Spartan Irons you said. I can handle him, any intel on the other four?

Captain Johnson: Yes commander, Spartan Rebecca Reynolds, Spartan Keith Parker, Spartan Claire Strong and Spartan Y/N Trudy.

Spartan Ezekielson: You said they are part of white team yes?

Captain Johnson: Yes Commander.

Spartan Ezekielson: Leave this one to me alright, i can handle this.

(Spartan Ezekielson walks into the interrogation room to handle Hesh.)

Spartan Ezekielson: So, if it isn't Hesh Irons.

Spartan Hesh: Ezekielson.

Spartan Ezekielson: *Chuckles* I knew we would meet again.


(An Insurrectionist Spartan pointed his Rifle at Hesh's head but Ezekielson told him to stand down. He picked up Hesh by the front of his arm and growled at him face to face.)

Spartan Ezekielson: You think you can try to stop us, we have bigger numbers out here.

Spartan Hesh: Try my man, you cannot stop me or break me.

Spartan Ezekielson: Heh, we shall see... Take him to his cell.

(The other RDA and Insurrectionist spartans took Hesh to his cell.) 

Spartan Ezekielson: All RDA and Insurrectionist troopers, commence operation search and kill.

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