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My name is Y/n Yelnats. I'm 16 years old, and I'm currently on my way to Camp Greenlake with my brother, Stanley. It was either this or jail.

Now, how exactly do two 16 year olds end up in a situation where they have to choose between prison or some battered old camp anyway? It's all because of our no-good, dirty rotten pig stealing great great grandfather. Generations ago, mine and Stanley's great great grandfather, Elya, fell in love with some woman. Of course, back then, women weren't allowed to choose who they could be with, so he had to win over her father. The problem was that he was a very poor man and did not have anything to offer her family. That is when he met an elderly lady called Madame Zeroni, whom he made a deal with. She offered him a pig, which he would have to carry to the top of a mountain and have it drink from the water there so it would become stronger than nature would allow. He would then be able to offer this pig in exchange for the woman of his dreams. However, Madame Zeroni's one condition was that he came back to get her and take her to the top of the mountain. Simple, right? Wrong. The woman rejected him. Hurt, our great great grandfather, left her family with the pig and ran off to America, where he later started a family. He forgot, however, to return to Madame Zeroni and bring her to the top of the mountain like he promised. As a result, she placed a curse of bad luck on him and all the children that should come after.

So, here we are, 150 years into the future and still suffering the curse. Stanley and I, we didn't do anything wrong. It was two weeks ago, and Stanley and I were on our way home from school when, out of nowhere, a pair of shoes just fell from the sky. My guess is someone threw them off a bridge or something. They hit Stanley, and I picked them up. We knew these would be great for our father's business of inventing a shoe odour repellent, so we started to run home with them. Soon enough, we heard sirens behind us and two officers telling us to stand with our hands up.

Long story short, Stanley and I were both convicted of theft, which, where we're from, normally wouldn't be that big of a punishment, but these weren't any ordinary shoes. They were the shoes of one of the biggest sports idols around, Sweet Feet. (They call him that because of how fast he can run, if you couldn't tell) So, since these shoes were worth a hell of a lot of money, the punishment was severe. 18 months of jail or Camp Greenlake...

At first, camp sounded like fun, but now, sitting on this dirty old bus with literally no one else besides Stanley and one police officer, it's not looking so fun anymore. I'm starting to lose more and more hope of this being a good camp based on the location. The name Camp Greenlake typically makes you think of, oh, i don't know... a lake? Well, guess what? We're in the middle of a desert. There is no water anywhere. No grass. No hope. Prison is starting to look like a pretty nice place right now.

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