Chapter 6- Jealous?

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It's been a couple of hours now and one by one throughout the day, the boys have been finishing their holes. Either heading back to their tents or going to the rec room. Now, it's late at night, and we are all back in our tents. Well, almost all of us. Stanley seems to be the world's slowest digger.

While we wait for Stanley, we are all just talking and trying to make the most out of a crappy situation. Most of the boys are in a big group, but I'm just sitting off to the side with Zigzag. He has been the friendliest one of them all to me. I'm glad. However, Zigzag is currently shirtless, which I'm not complaining about, the view is great, but I just know I'm as red as a chilli pepper. My face is as hot as one too.
ZIGZAG: How was your first day?
Y/N: Sore, but hey, first hole's the hardest right?
He chuckles.
ZIGZAG: No, second hole's the hardest. You're sore before you even start
Y/N: Great!
He moves slightly closer to me and throws an arm around my shoulder.
ZIGZAG: Plus, the fun stops
Y/N: That was supposed to be fun?
ZIGZAG: Doesn't every kid dream about digging a great big hole to China?
I laugh at that. I swear this boy must have hit his head multiple times as a child. There is no way that anyone is finding this shit fun.
Y/N: Yeah, sure
I smile at him and take a deep breath in. It's a damn good thing that I'm sitting down because I felt my legs go numb when I smelt him. He smiles at me and his face grows slightly red. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Squid glaring over at us once again. Is he jealous? Surely not. He hates me. Why would he be jealous? Zigzag uses his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and his hand lingers for a second.

Suddenly, we hear a gunshot, ending all conversations. We look at the door, and Stanley walks in, looking shaken. He tells us that, as he was coming back from finally finishing his hole, he saw Mr. Sir, pointing a gun straight at him. At least he thought it was straight at him. Turns out, there was a yellow spotted lizard behind him. Out here, they are the most dangerous things around. One bite from them, and you will die a slow and painful death. As soon as he said this, Zigzag was immediately interested.
ZIGZAG: What colour was its blood?
STANLEY: I don't know, I didn't look
ZIGZAG: I wish I had seen it...
He suddenly imitates a gunshot, and Stanley jumps. See, dropped on his head as a child.
ARMPIT: If Mr. Sir didn't shoot it...
MAGNET: Stanley, you'd be in the hole.
Well, this got morbid quick.
ZIGZAG: Did you know each one's got exactly 11 spots?
SQUID: Yeah, man, but if you ever get close enough to count them...
He makes a decapitation motion.
SQUID: You're dead.
Before I realise it, I'm staring at Squid again. I swear his voice puts me in a trance or something, and, once again, he's shirtless. God, if only he knew what he was doing to me... My eyes move from his face, down his neck, looking at and drooling over every vein and muscle that stands out. Further down to his chest, his abs... I think my mouth was literally hanging open as I stared because by the time my eyes made their way back up to his face, he was staring at me, smirking slightly. What the hell? How did he go from not even wanting to look at me to liking when I obsess over him? I mean, am I going to sit here and complain? Hell no. Progress is progress.

He looks me up and down slightly, and I swear to God my heart actually stops beating for a second. There's no way this is really happening. Two boys like me? At the same time? I hear all the boys laugh over something (I wasn't exactly paying attention), and Zigzag throws his arm over my shoulder again. Shit. I see Squid's smile drop, and he rolls his eyes before playing with his shower tokens. He seems like the type to be jealous and possessive. My type of boy. Zigzag seems like the type to be possessive but in a cute way, not the glaring you down until you leave kind of way. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to date both of them...

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