Chapter 10- Squid (SMUT)

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Shit. I make direct eye contact with Squid, and I can see something break inside him. I'm a horrible, horrible person. How could I do that? What have I done?...

Squid and Zigzag look at each other. You could cut the tension with a knife. I haven't even been here a week, and I'm already destroying everything. I hate myself. I hate what I'm doing.

Squid turns around and takes off running. Zigzag looks back at me and leans down again. I can't kiss him right now. That's what caused this in the first place. Thank God, just as our lips were about to connect, we hear the other D-Tent boys returning. Zigzag quickly gets off of me, and I fix myself. I look at him apologetically, and he smiles slightly and grazes his thumb across my hand. He doesn't know about me and Squid, and I intend to keep it that way. I've already hurt one of them, I'm not going to hurt the other, too.

As the boys return one by one, they sit around Zigzag and start talking and laughing about something. I hear something about Stanley being called Caveman now. I'm not really paying attention because all I can think about is Squid.

Squid has been gone all afternoon. I was actually starting to think that he'd run off. We all got called into Dr. Pendanski's office for a group therapy session, and who do I see sitting opposite me? Squid. Where the hell has he been? God, he won't even look at me. Some of the boys start talking to him, and he laughs with them. He hides his emotions well. I notice that Zigzag sits down next to me and moves his chair a little closer. I like Zigzag, and I feel bad for trying to distance myself, but I need to sort things out with Squid before I do anything else.

I didn't even notice that I was zoned out until I heard Magnet's voice.
MAGNET: I like animals
X-RAY: That's what got Magnet sent here in the first place
The boys all laugh.
MAGNET: Man, it's criminal the way they keep them locked up in cages...
DR. PENDANSKI: No, José. What you did was criminal
SQUID: No, tell him Magnet. They wanted 1,000 bucks for just one puppy.
X-RAY: What?
MAGNET: Yeah. I would've made it out if my pocket didn't start barking
The boys laugh again. I look over at Squid. He looks so happy. Why did I have to do that to him? He catches my eye, and his smile drops. He looks away. God, I've really fucked up...

After a painful hour of "therapy" we are allowed to leave and go back to our tent. I hang back and let the guys leave first. Thankfully, Squid is walking at the back so picking him off won't be too hard. I quicken my pace and grab his wrist. He lurches backwards at the sudden movement. My eyes look into his, and I'm met with a cold, hard glare.
SQUID: What?
His tone sends shivers down my spine. I'm both absolutely terrified and kind of turned on...

I drag him back behind the same wooden shack we had our earlier conversation.
Y/N: Please, just give me a chance to explain...
SQUID: Do I look like I could give a shit about what you have to say?
Y/N: Squid... I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking
SQUID: Great excuse.
He turns around and goes to walk off.
Y/N: Do you want to know why I did it? I did it because I like you both.
He stops, but doesn't turn around.
Y/N: I am so unbelievably in love with both of you and couldn't handle it. I know what I did was wrong, I'm just so confused...
He starts walking again.
Y/N: And YOU! You haven't exactly made any of this easy on me! You confuse me more than I already am. You hate me, you like me... What am I supposed to do!?!
He turns around and walks right up to me. He looks me dead in the eyes.
SQUID: Not kiss him. That's what you were supposed to do. Have a little bit of fucking willpower for God's sake!
I feel myself start to cry.
SQUID: You're pathetic.
He suddenly wraps his hand around my neck, tightly. I gasp and my eyes widen. He leans into my ear.
SQUID: Maybe I need to fix that mindset of yours...
Holy shit. I thought I had completely screwed that up, but I guess not. He looks into my eyes and just as he was about to lean in, his eyes brim with tears.
Y/N: Squid?...
He removes his hand.
SQUID: I thought you were different. I've been hurt so many times, and I thought that you would never do that to me... But I don't care.
He wipes his tears away and turns around.
SQUID: I couldn't give a shit.
Y/N: If that were true, we wouldn't be having this conversation...
He turns back around, and crashes his lips on mine with so much force that he pushes me into the wall. I know where this is going. He knows where this is going.

It doesn't take long before his hands move onto my waist, and he starts playing with the hem of my shirt. I move my hands around his waist, and up the back of his shirt. He suddenly pulls my shirt over my head and throws it to the floor. Following his actions, I pull his shirt off. I look down, taking in every line and muscle on his chest. I groan, and subconsciously start to gently move my hips forward towards him, looking for some friction. He notices and reaches into his pocket. He smirks slightly as he pulls out his bandana. He ties it around my eyes. My legs are already weak and he hasn't even really done anything. I'm blindfolded and completely under his control, and something about that is extremely exhilarating.

I feel him begin to slide down the bottom half of my jumpsuit. I jump slightly as I feel his lips on my thighs, slowly kissing higher and higher.
Y/N: Squid...
He stops kissing and leans into my ear.
Y/N: What?
SQUID: That's my name. It's Alan
With all the hormones and urges racing through me right now, I completely forgot about that. He hands travel down to my underwear. Before I've even registered what's happening, they're gone. I can hear shuffling coming from Squid. I go to take a deep breath but it's cut short.

Holy shit, I feel like I'm floating. He is showing no mercy. I can't blame him. His pace quickens and I bite down on his shoulder to prevent myself from screaming. He chuckles in my ear.
SQUID: Do you like that, Darling?
I try to nod but it's pointless. I've forgotten about everything other than him. I don't want him to stop, I never want this to end. I want to hold onto him forever. His hands are holding my thighs, pulling me impossibly closer. My hands are in his hair, pulling his head back as he pushes me closer and closer to my edge.

Suddenly, the knot that's been building up in my stomach just exploded and my vision went completely white. I drag my nails up his back. He places a gentle kiss on my neck and leans his forehead on mine.
SQUID: You're so perfect...
He removes the bandana and gently kisses me.
Y/N: So... what are we?
He looks at me and I can see the deep thoughts behind his eyes.
SQUID: You love me?
I nod.
SQUID: You love him?
I nod again.
SQUID: Well, then I guess we're not exclusive.
My eyes widen in shock.
Y/N: Really? After all that arguing?
SQUID: Well, I realised that you're going to be with him no matter what, and I want to be a part of that...

Darling Dearest - A Squid x Y/n x Zigzag FanficWhere stories live. Discover now