Chapter 11- Zigzag (SMUT)

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Am I dreaming? I have to be. There is no way I just heard those words come out of his mouth.
Y/N: Are you serious?
SQUID: I'd rather play along and still get to be with you than cut you out completely
His brings his hands to my waist and gently caresses my bare skin with his thumbs.
SQUID: I love you, Darling

We sneak back into our tent, and thankfully, no one even noticed that we were gone. Well, not that we're aware of. I lay down, ready for a peaceful night's sleep when suddenly a thought hits me. What do I do about Zigzag? Christ, I just had sex with Squid for God's sake. and I completely forgot about Zigzag... I love him so much, I love both of them so much... I'm in deep shit now. I don't want to be one of those girls who just sleeps around. I want to have a serious relationship with them. I've just got to get them both on board.

Another day, another hole. Somehow, today seems even hotter than yesterday. Not to mention, I'm incredibly sore from the waist down, so standing isn't the most pleasant thing either. Last night kept replaying in my head, and I'm hit with a feeling of both bliss and terror. I've noticed that Squid is in a much better mood today. Thank God.

Suddenly, I hear Magnet shout.
MAGNET: Hey, what you got there, Caveman?
STANLEY: I don't know...
He looks over at X-Ray.
STANLEY: Hey X, I think I might have found something
X-Ray climbs out and heads over to Stanley. The rest of us follow.
X-RAY: Let me see that
Stanley hands him what he found. It's a small gold tube with the initials K.B. engraved into it.
X-RAY: Looks like an old shotgun shell
SQUID: No, man, it's too skinny to be a shotgun shell
X-RAY: Well, I'm gonna go show it to Mom. Maybe I'll get the rest of the day off.
STANLEY: The rest of the day off? No. No, your hole's already dug. I'm not even close, I'm gonna be out here all day
X-RAY: Yeah? So?
X-Ray steps closer to Stanley, and I can see the fear in his eyes.
STANLEY: So... uh... why don't you turn it in tomorrow morning... then you get the whole day off
Wow. He still can't stick up to him. Not just that, he's actually giving him ideas. Jesus.
X-RAY: That's not a bad idea.
He smiles and walks off to finish digging his hole. The rest of us return to ours, but throughout the day, I notice Squid and Zigzag keep staring at me. I am not in a good situation right now. Squid knows I kissed Zigzag, but Zigzag doesn't know that I kissed Squid. Squid's open to a non-exclusive relationship, and I have no idea if Zigzag is. I mean, the way he reacted to Lump... Shit.

After a couple of very painful hours, we all finish up digging our holes. Most of the boys head to the rec room, but I'm so exhausted that I just go straight to the tent. I'm lying on my bed when I suddenly hear footsteps approaching. I turn my head to see Zigzag. He comes over to me, and I sit up. He sits down next to me and leans in, connecting our lips. Before I get too caught up in the moment, I quickly pull apart, and he looks at me in confusion.
Y/N: I need to tell you something...
ZIGZAG: You had sex with Squid
I can feel all the colour drain from my face. How does he know? What is he still doing kissing me if he knows? Zigzag notices my shocked expression.
ZIGZAG: Come on, you weren't exactly discreet about it. Did you really think I wouldn't notice that the two of you were gone for a suspiciously long time?
Y/N: I'm so sorry...
He smirks.
ZIGZAG: It's fine. Are you two exclusive?
What the fuck has happened to everyone? First Squid yelling at me for kissing someone else, and then casually saying that he wouldn't be against sharing me. Now, Zigzag punches someone out of pure jealousy and then is somehow fine with the idea of me and Squid. What the fuck?
ZIGZAG: Are you?
Y/N: No...
He smirks and leans back in, connecting our lips once again. Holy shit. This is getting way to complicated...

Zigzag leans over me and I lay down on the bed. He climbs on top of me and kisses my neck softly. He hears me gasp and smiles against my skin. My hands come up to his hair and gently pull. He grabs my hands with one of his, and pins them above my head. He brings his other hand down to my waist, further down to my thigh. He grabs it and throws my leg over his waist, I throw my other leg over myself. He kisses my neck a little rougher and I tighten my legs to pull him closer to me. He let's out a quiet whimper and I transcend to the heavens. It's so hard to care about your problems when someone THIS hot is on top of you. He let's go of my hands, and whispers in my ear.
ZIGZAG: Keep them there.
I do as I'm told. I feel his hands run down my body and grab my shirt before pulling it off. He pulls his own shirt off, and i watch as his muscles contract with each movement, I watch the way his v-line becomes more prominent when he takes a deep inhale. All of this, causing shivers to run down my spine. I need him so badly...

He slowly yanks my jumpsuit off before removing his own. I stare up at him.
Y/N: Zig-
ZIGZAG: Ricky.
Y/N: Ricky...
God even his name is so damn fine. I need him. Now. Before I am even aware, he has removed both of our underwear and grips my hips tightly. He throws my legs over his shoulders. The last thing I remember is screaming and the feeling of utter pleasure. All my other senses have disappeared and my entire focus is on him. How he makes me feel. God, I never want it to end... My vision is getting whiter... and whiter... and whiter until- I feel like my insides exploded in the best way possible. God, it has NEVER felt that amazing...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07 ⏰

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Darling Dearest - A Squid x Y/n x Zigzag FanficWhere stories live. Discover now