(13) The Exchange Student

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MARCH 19, 2024


Alexander Elton

Girl, I have a surprise for you later
Meet me after school in the gym


I'm walking inside the campus to attend my next class. As someone who doesn't like social interaction, I'm texting on my phone while walking.

Then, I bumped into someone. I guess they also weren't paying attention to where they were walking. "I'm sorry!" I said as I looked up. My eyes widened upon my sight. She smiled at me. "Gaia? What are you doing here?" I asked. "I mean, it's not like I want you to leave or anything..." I nervously laughed.

She chuckled with me, "I was offered as an exchange student here. I'll be playing volleyball for this school." She explained.

"Oh, well, uhm..." I trailed off. I feel so awkward knowing damn well, I had a serious confession to her. "Good luck?" I forced myself to smile.

I then saw Elton from a distance. Good. He's about to save me from this awkwardness. "Ton!" I waved and went to him.

"Hi!" He greeted me.

Gaia then also went to us, "You guys know each other?" She asked me and Ton.

"Yes, we're friends." Ton answered.

Gaia smiled widely, "That's great! What a small world because I know Lilia. She was my classmate in 11th grade." She told Ton.

But Ton already knew that, "I know. Lilia told me."

Oh my heck. Why would Ton say that out loud? Now Gaia will know that I talk about her to my friends.

"I'm going to head to class now." I told them. A way to avoid the awkward thing Elton did.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna tour Gaia around!" Elton said.

I waved at them both, and they reciprocated it. As I was walking my way to my next class, I couldn't help but smile. Is Gaia really here, or am I dreaming? I'm so excited to tell this to my friends.

Well, after my class, at least.

I'm heading to the school's gymnasium. We're having a "media day" for all of the athletes of USC. I get if they have to do it for the basketball players because March Madness is coming. I have no idea for other sports, though. Maybe they also have a competition that I'm not aware of.

When I got to the gymnasium, I went to my teammates as soon as I spotted them.

"Johnson, gets what?" I asked Johnson, with an obvious excitement in my tone. She's the one in this team I could share this news with.

"You're smiling big. What's up?" She asked, smiling at me.

I saw Kitts in my peripheral vision, smirking. This girl is probably planning something evil. "Lilia, did you know that your crush got an offer to be an exchange student here? She'll be playing volleyball." She butted in the conversation.

I glared at her, "You spoiled what I was going to tell Johnson." I complained.

"Cry about it." She mocked me as I rolled my eyes at her.

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