(15) Distance

111 2 0

MARCH 21, 2024


It's been two days since Nadine's arrival at USC. And it affected my bond with Lilia. She used to immediately reply to my DMs on instagram. If she's gonna reply late, the longest one would take an hour only. But now I can't say the same. I've been DMing her, and the fastest reply I got was five hours after. That's not even the worst. Sometimes, it takes for her twelve hours to reply. She isn't as active as before. And I know why. I was right to follow Nadine on her Instagram. Otherwise, I wouldn't know anything.

In Nadine's instagram stories, she's always hanging out with Lilia and their other friends.

I miss Lilia. I missed our bond before Nadine was at USC. We were consistent. Now it's like I'm hanging on a loose thread. Even the plan of downloading Dead by Daylight that I thought of backfired. I thought that was going to be our key quality time together, but I was wrong. Or maybe I was right. It was just taken away from me. Or maybe I'm just overreacting.

Here I am right now in my dorm, on my bed staring at my phone, looking at my messages for Lilia that she hasn't read. I wonder how long it will take for her to reply this time. Six hours? Eight? Twelve? Or worse, twenty-four?

My phone rang, and I was startled because it was so sudden. I got a call from my ex, Jalen Suggs. He and I met last yesterday evening. It wasn't planned. It was coincidental. I was planning on buying groceries, then we ran across each other and ate dinner together. That's it. Sad to say, some fans don't think so. They think he and I are back together. We aren't.

I answered Jalen's call, "Hello?" I said over the phone.

JALEN: Hailey, uh, I'm outside your dorm building right now.

"Huh?" I was left speechless on what he said. What would he be doing here. I went to the window to look down and I saw him. He waved. "What are you doing there?"

JALEN: Can I take you out to dinner?

"Right now?"

JALEN: Yeah.

"Okay, come up here. I'll just take a shower."

JALEN: No need. I'll just wait for you in the car.

"Okay. I'll be quick." I told him and hung the phone.

Normally, I would decline his offer. But I need to cool off my mind first. My mind's been too occupied with jealousy, and it's time for me to catch a break.

"Hailey, Jalen Suggs is outside." Aalyah said, coming inside my room.

"I know. He's taking me to dinner. I'll just take a quick shower." I told him.

"Oh, is it like a date?" She asked with a matching teasing look. "You moved on from Lilia fast."

I playfully rolled my eyes at her, "No. Jalen and I are just friends. This is a friendly dinner."

"You sure about that?"

I nodded at her question, "Yes. I gotta take a shower now." I said as I was going inside the bathroom.

After the quick shower I did, I went out with my wardrobe on. Searching my closet for clothes. Part of me wants to wear something casual. While part of me wants to wear something stylish. I don't know if Jalen's planning on taking me on a fancy dinner or your local fast food.

But in the end, I just wore a hoodie and a jumper. Wore a light makeup. And I just let my hair loose. I then went down the building, and l looked for his car.

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