3: Surprise

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Hey guys, okay. So I'm assuming you already know how this part is going to go. I wanted to say that after this story, I'm planning on writing a trilogy that has alittle bit for everyone. If you're the kind who doesnt like violence, the next book is going to be solely love and tragedy, and if you're into the fantasy of angels and demons, there will be some of that mixed in as well. Either way I hope you enjoy this story, I'll post warnings when there's a mature content chapter and i'll specify why. 

Ok I'm done have fun.

I woke up today, thankfully, not looking at a King. When I looked outside I saw the sun hadn't risen yet, and I had left my horse in the market, I know, I don't strike you as an animal person right? To be honest, I could kill a thousand people and feel no regret, but one pet, and we can say I'd wallow in self loathing. I enjoy animals over people, that's not bad or strange, that's just me.

I decided the easiest way to go would be the balcony, I could have gone through the castle, but I would have gotten lost easily. This place was huge. I slipped off the balcony and rolled as I hit the ground, before running back to the market, in the cover of darkness. I found her, exactly where I left her, in a cave, surrounded by bushes outside of town. I hid her well because, if it wasn't for the white star on her forehead, I might have missed her. 

"Come on girl, lets go get you cleaned up" she responded by running out of the cave and snuggling into me. I only laughed before jumping on her back and we rode back to the castle, I saw the stables, and I figured She'd enjoy the luxury for a day. 

When we got there, I brought her inside and pulled her to the water letting her drink a bit before i stripped her down and washed her. After she was clean, she was again the most beautiful horse I'd seen. I pulled her into one of the back stalls so that she'd be out of the way, and I brushed her mane humming a bit as I went.

"You're up early." I jumped, It was rare anyone did that. I turned around to see Balchazar, waltzing his way in strait to me. 

Balchazar's POV

I couldn't sleep so I was out walking in the fields when I saw that Dragona, wasn't in her room. Usually I would have run after her, but something told me not to. After a while, I saw movement in the stables, the sun was starting to rise, allowing me to see a black horse and a girl behind it. I didn't have to go to know it was her. When I walked in she was humming and brushing the black horse. 

I sat and watched her for a while, she brushed out its mane lightly, being careful not to hurt it as she almost sang to it. She had a beautiful voice, I wondered what it would be like to hear her sing. When I couldn't take it anymore i spoke up the only thing that came to mind, "You're up early." She jumped, the look on her face said that she wasn't used to being surprised like that, I know the feeling. 

"Yeah, well I had to go check on her..." the horse nuzzled her as she came around making her laugh a little, I've never seen her come close to a smile, or laugh, it was nice.

"Yours?" I pointed to the horse and she nodded stroking it. "What do you call it?"

"Her." She said rather annoyed at me, "and Eternity."

"You guys just can't settle for a normal name can you?" i smirked, it was cute when she was mad.

"Excuse me?" She looked up at me with a glare that made the horses behind me back up. 

"I mean whats wrong with something like, Blackie, or Star?" The look on her face was priceless,  I liked how flawless it was, not to mention the secrets it must hold. 

"I like her name that's what." She went back to petting her horse, I stepped a little closer only to have Eternity snap at me and whined.

"She doesn't like you," she said smirking. I stepped back and the horse went back to nuzzling her. after a minute she stepped out of the stall and walked past me. "Hey Bal, you've only been trying to get me out of the room for two days, are you taking me to breakfast or what?" 

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