10: Here I go

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Ok guys sorry for the wait, but my angel has all my attention right now. But here you go please comment.

Ahai's POV

Did I seriously just blush?! HA! No, nonono, I did not blush. I NEVER blush. I just got a little flustered it was hot, it was not a blush. At least I thought it wasn't. Okay.... What am i doing to myself? I Need to clear my head. Balchazar is not going to break me this easily, i refuse to let him. Whatever game he's playing ends here.

What he said kept running through my mind; You do have a heart.

Little piece of shit, of course I have a heart I'm not dead am I? You know wait ignore that question. I went to the stables hoping to get my mind off of things only to see good ol' Bal petting my horse.

"You know when you said she didn't like me, I thought you actually meant it." He said not looking up.

"Shut up." I went over and grabbed the brush and took her from him walking her out. Only to have him follow me, seriously why does this never end, why can't he just leave me alone.

"How about this, I will if you ride with me." I looked up at him for only a minute. Should I? No, maybe he'll leave me alone, better yet maybe I could stab him when he isn't looking and get outta here.

"Fine." I went back in and pulled my saddle out, watching him get a white stallion from the stables.

What am I doing, do I seriously believe that if I kill him my father would let me back in? No, but what will I do without them.

We both saddled up and mounted, "Race you to the stream?" Bal looked at me with an eyebrow raised for the challenge.

"You think that thing could beat Midnight?" I almost laughed at the thought, sure it seemed like a good horse, but not near as strong or swift as mine.

"Only one way to find out."

"Fine, how about a little wager?" might as well get something out of this.

"Okay, you win, you can have all the vows in the training hall you want," hell yes, I took a drink out of my canteen. This should be easy as shooting an arrow, "but if I win, you have to go on a date with me."

Bal's POV

I looked her in the eye as I said it, her eyes widened and she coughed on the drink she had just taken.

"What?" her voice was horse from choking on it.

"I said if I win, you have to go on a date with me, and you have to actually try to enjoy it."

She starred at me for what felt like forever, I heard my breath waiting for her reaction. Expecting a knife to come flying at my face at any moment I let my body tense. I felt like I was going to throw up if she didn't say something soon, my stomach was in nots.

Then finally she reacted,

She laughed.

"Okay, okay okay, let me get this strait. Me, in a date, with you?" I nodded once, feeling my pride slightly crumble, only, slightly. "Alright then, not like you actually stand a chance, but it's funny to think about." I only inwardly sigh, if only she saw this wasn't a joke.

"Fine, on three."

"One.." I let my breath out and felt my horse tense under me.

"Two.." we both got ready, except for the sound of rustling leaves nothing could be heard.

"Three." and we both shot off, she went strait, and I went to the caves, to the only path I knew could beat her.

Achi's POV

I let the wind fly by me as I rode, Balchazar was far behind me by now and the water was just over the hill...

There it- wait.... That cant be right.

I pulled the reigns on Midnight and she came to a halt, and lo and behold ducking Balchazar was sitting at the waters edge beside his horse.

"How did you..." he looked up at me and smiled.

"The maids will have something set out for you when you get back to the castle. Put it on and meet me in the ballroom, tonight is a very special night. Don't be late." I stood frozen in thought as he walked his horse over and kissed me in the cheek before riding off.

Did he really just...yep yes he did.

"You have any clue what just happened?" I looked at my horse and she seemed to have the same clueless expression in her eyes, like a rabbit when it sees the arrow, just stunned.


I have...



Ugh fucking Balchazar!


Ok so again sorry for the long wait, I started a new book and I'm finishing school, and not to mention my beautiful baby boy who decided to rule my world. I'll try to hurry with the next chapter, but it all depends on weather or not he sleeps in the next year or so, enjoy!
Aaaaaaaaaannnnnddddd over 100 reads Yay! First milestone achieved! Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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