5: Persuit

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Balchazar's POV

I followed her to the pond and watched for a while before heading back, I wanted to stay, but if she caught me i don't know what I would have said. Besides tonight I had a meeting with a partner in trade, I wish I could have skipped it, sadly though not even a king can do that. I sat for the next three hours listening to every minor detail of what they wanted for what. Really they where demanding way to much, and my kingdom could support itself off of what we had, but I didn't want to put my people through so much work, If I could help it.

Half way through the meeting one of the maids quietly knocked on the door.

"Yes?" She peeked in as if she was afraid to say anything.

"Y-your majesty, I came to tell you that s-she wasn't at dinner..." I expected that much.

"Could this wait?" She shook her head.

"Four days ration is missing, and she's not in her room sir..." she ran away...

"Thank you. Leave us please." Once she did I looked at the ambassador next to me. "I'm sorry, but this is going to have to wait. I trust you can show yourself out." I left him there and went to her room everything was gone.

I expected her to run eventually, and I was ready for it. I wasn't going to let her go, not when I had so many question unanswered. Dragona- no, Ahai, was to- was to- ugh I can't think straitThe point is I have to find her, as of now I refuse to lose her. There's to much I have to know. I called my guards and got my horse ready. I will find her, and she will never leave my side again.

Dragona's POV

As I rode, I was careful to avoid the paths. My father shouldn't be looking for me out here, but there is always the slight chance. Vessa's was a days journey and I prefer to ride under the cover of night. I looked out at the sunrise and stopped Eternity at a small cave, "In here." I pulled her in and unloaded a bit of food for both of us. 

I let her eat as I stepped out to cover the entrance of the cave and think. I should have a good 4 to 5 hours on Balchazar if he decides to follow me, and the odds of his men succeeding in capturing me is low. That is unless the entire force is able to surround me and even them the amount of resources I have here they'd have a hard time. As for Balchazar himself, if he where to come I'd have much more difficulty, but I most likely could get out. 

I slipped back inside to see Eternity resting and her food gone, good, she needed the rest, tonight I wanted to gain more ground. I laid back on the rocky floor using my bag to rest my head. I almost missed the bed at the castle, but I didn't need to sleep. I needed to lay back and allow my body to rest for the day. I held my bow close an arrow ready if I needed it as I faced the entrance of the cave. Every once and a while a rabbit or a fox would wonder by, I was tempted to shoot them for some extra food or maybe just for sport, but as usual, I couldn't bring myself to do it, not when I had enough. 

As the sun began to set I got up and started getting eternity ready for the night. I tightened a few straps and got on her back watching for the cover of darkness, once it was there, we shot off. A night owl, or a small raccoon would run here or there by the sudden movement. I could hear the distant sound of a wolf, the pack was near by. Eternity could out run them, but that never stoped me from getting an arrow or two ready. 

"Nocte Conspectu." I chanted it twice giving me and Eternity the ability to see in the night.

The pack was about ten yards to the left, twenty to the right. The Alpha let out a howl and the pack to the right responded closing in. Eternity didn't need to be told what to do, she ducked low increasing her speed as the pack ran behind us. 

"Good girl," we continued to run, the pack slowly backed off as we went. 

I saw the next village up ahead, There where soldiers everywhere within it, but there was no way around it if I wanted to get to Vessa's. I didn't recognize them as my, or my father's men, that would be to easy. By what I saw they looked like Balchazar's, but they where a bit different. The crest was on their shoulder and they wore little to no armor. If I didn't know better I'd say they where the elites, but I doubted it. The odds of him wasting that on me was low. 

The town and the woods around it for a radius of about 100 yards was covered with them, the only way I'd get through is if I slowed down and tried to blend, but that meant Eternity might get left. I demounted and put my hood up, wrapping my cloak around myself muttering a quick spell disguising my voice as an old woman, (Yes I know very Evil Queenish sorry) and I walked with Eternity into the town. Most of the soldiers looked my way and dismissed it as just another citizen. 

"Sir, She's no where in the city, we've searched everywhere." I over heard two talking as I passed and I stopped to listen acting like I was resting.

"I'll inform the King, in the mean time don't stop looking, she isn't ahead of us, or we would have picked something else up, she has to go through this town to get to the border.

"Yes Sir." the first man turned to walk off as I got up and started walking again when one of them bumped into me from behind causing some of the supplies to fall out. 

"I'm sorry ma'am, here let me help."

"No I'm fine... just go on with what you where doing I'll get it." For some reason the magic was wearing off, which was ridiculous, the only thing that would stop it is a high level magic barrier, which, these men lacked the ability to cast. 

He bumped into me again and one of my arrows slipped out, so much for slipping by. Before the guard could process it I knocked him out and mounted Eternity and we shot off at her top speed weaving through the city. Guards yelled from every corner and lamps lit everywhere I turned, I could see the exit but the guards where blocking it at least a dozen not to mention the amout their would be on the other side. 

I shot an arrow into the sky and used a spell to multiply it, having hundreds fly down on them, but somehow they where all avoided. I huffed in frustration pulling out my dagger, this is ridiculous, If they wanted a fight, I was going to give it to them. I stood up on Eternity's back and was about to launch myself onto the wall when something grabbed me and pulled me back into the dirt. I heard Eternity whine somewhere and knew they had her, I stood up only to come face to face with Balchazar. 

"You really though I'd let you just leave like that?" his sword was out and we where surrounded by his little fleet.

"Let me, no, get away, that seemed more like it." He sighed.

"You're not coming back without a fight are you." 

"I'll fight till my last breath over being under your house arrest." he shook his head. "Have you even asked yourself why it's so terrible for me to leave?" 

He paused for only a moment, "Maybe because I'm just as stubborn as you are, or maybe I enjoy annoying the crap out of you on a daily basis, either way you're coming back." 

I scoffed at it suddenly a thick cloud of smoke surrounded me, and the smell of poppies hit my nostrils as I saw he and the others put a mask over their face. Sleeping powder. My body felt heavy as I bent down to my knees, the bastard was just buying time with that conversation to drug me. I threw a single knife to where he was before i felt my eyelids drop, I heard a small grunt and him barking orders as I blacked out.

Okay sorry it's short compared to the others, I should have the next part up soon. Please tell me what you think i'd love to hear and comments or criticism, I know I have allot of grammar errors and I intend to edit after the story is done. Thanks for reading!!!

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