13: Give In

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Bal's POV

I pulled her into the room and slammed the door.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I'd looked for this girl since the night we danced.

"I figured you already knew," No I didn't, her father had approached me and spoke about her but I never saw her without the mask.

"You hid this from me this whole time??"

"You think I haven't hid things from you, we don't exactly have many heart to heart moments."

I'll give her that, I don't know why I was so infuriated, but I couldn't let this go.

"What else have you been hiding Achi?" she looked at me like I was crazy, I probably was, but I wanted an answer. "Tell me before I make your whereabouts known." Let her father know where she is, she's on the run. Yes it's a low ads move, but at that moment I was prepared to take it.

"You wouldn't."

"Princess believe me I would." I stared into her eyes waiting for her to challenge me.

"Tell me why I should tell you anything about me."

"Because I'm letting you stay here, because I haven't imprisoned you yet, how about because you've tried to kill me more than once?" I saw it in her eyes before she said anything. Guilt. The one emotion an assassin is trained to never feel, and her eyes held every piece of it. In a flash I could see the guilt she covered, of every man she killed. Every single life she took, every sin she has made. All reflected in her eyes. This girl was broken, maybe beyond repair, and I was almost to blind to truly see it.

"I-..." her words caught in her throat, she was breaking again... This time because of me. "I-..."

I just stood there unmoving, I couldn't waver here not like this, I had to show her I was firm. Even if all I wanted to do was fix her right now.

"Let me show you something..." she looked up to the ceiling and moved her arms as if she where opening a curtain. Above me the ceiling folded back reviling something like the night sky, only so much more beautiful. Stars so bright and in so many different colors, it was like another world, all at her finger tips.

"I can't tell You everything, but I'll tell you the basic story... Why I'm doing this I have no idea... But I'm trusting you, like you trusted me after everything I'd done." We both went over and say on the bench in the room looking up.

"When I was young, younger than I remember... I was taken from my birth mother by my mom. I was raised at first by witchcraft, when I turned 5 my mother met the King. She started being happier and nicer so I let the mean things he would do slide. When I was 6 they married, and for a while I was happy, then my brother was born." she looked down at her hands trying to hide her pain.

"I was no longer considered a daughter, I was a servant and a slave, and I was made into his soldier. I longed for the few minutes alone with my mom, where I was a human being. Then one night, my father stormed into my quarters drunk out of his mind screaming about the whore who never showed up and how his men needed to be entertained..." she shivered disgusted, "so on top of being his slave, I was now the kindoms reward, to any man who did what my father asked, I was their prize."

I knew her father was a sick bastard but I never imagined he'd pull something like that. Ever since she was little he'd been doing this to her. I knew she had a hard life, but this was beyond my imagination... I found myself playing with her hair as she spoke listening.

"I was trained as his mindless soldier, and I let him as long as my mother was happy... I became the 3rd in command of the entire army, I lead a trained group of assassins, and went off on solo missions to accomplish my father's list of targets. You where the next one... Then this happened. I have a son, he lives in Camelot with his father, Lancelot, my "betrothed", I haven't seen him since he was born and he's 4 now."

"Achi..." years where rolling down her face as she spoke, I pulled her to me and kissed her cheek, she didn't fight me she just kept looking strait.

"Funny right, the one soldier that's never supposed to break, does in the most important instant of their lives."

"Everyone breaks."

"Yeah, just not me, not anymore...or at least I thought so."

"Especially you, come on let's get you cleaned up and to bed."

"I'm not sleeping...not now."

"If you want, I'll be right beside you." She stared at me hesitantly.

"O-okay..." I took her to her bed and waited for her to get out of her gown and more comfortable, then we laid there together and for the first time, I think she truly slept without a dream.

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