4: Reason's to stay

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Okay.... so i just saw a lizard go up my wall......imma try to write now... Please comment what you think guys, I really want to know.

Dragona's POV

 After the duel, I felt better, I always did, but this time it was a little different. Instead of immediately wanting to go again, I was alright with stopping. Both of us where sweaty and panting afterwards. 

"You tired?" he asked as he was cleaning his sword. 

"Never, I could still go a few rounds." I saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"I guess I'll have to work harder next time." He's walking into something he may not realize. 

"That's cute."

"What is?"

"You think you could keep up with me, hate to break it to you sweety, but of everyone I've had, you are not the best."

"You're the one who begged me to keep going..." 

"And you're the one who couldn't hold back long enough for me to finish." he looked at me for a moment before laughing. 

"You only wish."I rolled my eyes. "Besides, if we did, you wouldn't be able to handle it." 

My mind went back to everyone my dad put me through. "Don't get ahead of your self, as far as you're concerned I could have a husband and a son."

"No husband, because you would have said something, as for a kid... well you have the hips for it." I looked at him not sure weather to be upset or impressed. 

I did have a son actually, but I would never see him again. I got pregnant two years ago when one of my father's, generals did well on a mission, and I was his reward. I wasn't proud of everything I'd done to please my father, but my son was leverage against me. I sent him to live with his father, he doesn't know I exist.

"Hey, are you okay?" I closed my eyes in frustration, I hate it when I get lost in my thoughts. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, so food?" I needed a distraction now. 

"Sure, It's about lunch time anyways, but I have to go to a meeting." Thank the gods. "I'll walk you to the dining hall, then I'll be off for a few hours." 

"Alright lets go." 

As we walked we just small talked. He didn't push any further thankfully. Then he did alittle bow and walked off, leaving me alone in my thoughts.

Balchazar's POV

I went to the throne room, to be greeted by the line of people, hoping for just a little bit more to get them by. Most of them, where here generally needed a little help, that I had no problem with. I have more than enough,but then there where the few, that where trying just to squeeze themselves out of a bet or just trying to get more. Those people, where the ones who brought out the worst in me. It's not that I enjoyed being cruel, in fact if I could the people who lived her would be rich beyond belief, but I couldn't. To many would take advantage of my kingdom.

I sat there and listened to all of them, but I couldn't focus on it. My mind wondered as they spoke, I wanted to know the reason she froze up. She was joking one minute, the next she looked like she had seen a ghost.

Slowly, but surely they all finnished their speech. I ended up giving most what they wanted, as usual, with the exception of a few.

I pulled out the paper I kept by my throne, it didn't look like much. Yet over all my treasures I valued this over all. It was the only thing I had left of my mother.

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