9: Dammit

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Acki's POV

I, again, was trying to get out of the locks. I used the wire in my teeth, it had gotten me out of better restraints than this, so I was getting alittle frustraited. Id tried for hours, my fingers where stiff and id broken a few of my nails in the process, but finnally I was working my way through the melted lock. The maids came in and out and watched with a smirk on their face.

"I like you better this way, you have so much less baggage, and the rest of the castle can sleep." One of them remarked when they dressed me. In a fluffy, pink, dress... I'm going to hurt her.

"You can be as happy as you want, but I don't see the king running after one of you to chain you to a bed and do as he pleases." They all shot ke a dirty look at that, "I'm just saying." Then they all grabbed their dusters and stormed out, I couldn't help, but laugh.

I went back to the lock accidentally poking my finger with the wire, I started to bled into it making it that much harder. I heard domeone approaching and I slipped it into my mouth, I wasn't faster than Balchazar, however, who waltzed in with s glass in his hand.

"Still trying?" he took a sip of his drink then smirked. "Want some?"

"No," I looked up at my finger, I wish I could just cast the normal spell...

"Shame, its your wine." He took another swig and turned to walk out as what he said sunk in.

"Hey! Wait!" He stoped with his hand on the door handle

"Yes?" He dragged it out as if he didn't know what I was going to say.

"Bring it back..." I muttered toward him and he slowly walked back, only smirking as he went.

"See was that so hard?" He lifted the glass to my lips, and I couldn't help, but close ky eyes at the taste. I missed it.

"So you got my wine, where's my dog?" I almost laughed at the thought of Hallow going peacefully with them.

"He's in the other room actually." I tilted my head.

"How the hell did you manage that?"

"I guess he smelled you on me, because he would only let me touch him." Dammit.

"The rum?"

"In the cellar." Well then... "So, staying now?"

"I guess I have to don't I?" He crossed his arms over his chest, victory plastered on that dumb face of his. "Can you get me out of these now?"

"Fine." He let me out of one and I slapped him after the other was out.

"Don't kiss me again." I sat up as he looked at me with that dumb smirk. "And wipe that look off your face before I slap it off." He chuckled.

"Oh by the way I believe this is yours," he smiled revealing a rune stone in his teeth.

"Yes can I have that?"

"Hm, if you come get it." He started walking toward the door and I grabbed his arm, that stone was my mothers, I was getting it back.

"You sure you want me to do that to your pretty little face?"

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