26. Its gonna be alright, I did my time

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Lando woke face down, head buried in pillows, wearing nothing but his boxers with confusion. His head was banging and he was suddenly aware he wasn't alone at the sound of a chuckle beside him.

"I thought maybe you'd suffocated." Aimee laughed.

"My head." Lando groaned, rolling over and then throwing his arm over his eyes dramatically as the daylight made his headache a thousand times worse. "Oh my god... why did you make me go out?!"

"Because you needed to celebrate!" Aimee nudged him. "This is how you should be waking up the day after your big win! Did you have a good night?"

"All I remember is a lot of shots." He groaned. "And I mean a lot of shots. Oscar might actually be dead."

Aimee laughed. "So a good night then."

"How did I end up in your bed?" Lando asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. "Please tell me I didn't come back and wake you up."

"Do you want me to lie to you?" She laughed.

He lifted his arm just a fraction to peek out at her. He was relieved to find she looked amused at least. "Oh god... what time did I get back?"

"About three. Dripping wet I must add and very keen to cuddle."

He kept his arm firmly in place over his face, feeling himself blush at her words. He'd accuse her of lying to wind him up if he didn't already know it was the truth.

All he'd been able to think of all night in the club was how much more fun it would've been if she'd been there to celebrate with him.

"I'm sorry?" He offered.

Aimee just laughed, patting him on the chest, his muscles tensing as her cold hands touched his bare skin. "Don't be sorry, I'd have kicked you out if I minded."

"What time is it?" Lando asked, peeling his arm off his face and letting his eyes adjust to the light.

"Nearly 11." Aimee answered. "I was going to wake you up earlier but you looked so peaceful."

"Celebratory breakfast?" He asked, rolling on to his side to face her.

"For someone who didn't want to celebrate at all last night you're keen to keep this going." Aimee raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I didn't get to celebrate with you." He smiled. "So we aren't done celebrating, are we?"

Aimee couldn't do anything other than smile back at him. There were so many reasons why she shouldn't be letting herself get sucked into whatever this was with him, but in the moment she couldn't think of a single one.

"Okay, let's go!"


It was more of a celebratory lunch by the time Aimee had actually managed to get dressed and the two of them had very slowly made their way down to the garage.

Watching her navigate the steps on her crutches Lando had tried to change his mind at least twice, suggesting he pick the food up and bring it back. Aimee had pleaded with him though, wanting the normality of being able to get out of the house for a couple of hours even if it was difficult.

They'd ended up in a little cafe down by the marina, somewhere Lando clearly visited often based on the reception he'd received when they walked in.

They'd chosen a table outside, Aimee enjoying the feeling of some fresh air and sun on her skin, although she kept her sunglasses and a cap of his she'd borrowed in place to hide her face from passers by.

"What are you thinking about?" Lando asked. She'd been quiet since they'd arrived. Sitting and staring at the boats on the water, deep in contemplation about something.

Aimee turned back to face him, taking a sip of her coffee to delay. "Just things." She shrugged. "I need to come up with some kind of plan. I can't stay here for ever."

"You could." Lando winked, trying to disguise what he'd said as a joke. "Have you spoken to Tracey again?"

Aimee shook her head. "She said I wasn't allowed to do anything until I was back home. She said she wouldn't listen to me until then." She had tried again to tell Tracey she wasn't coming back to McLaren but her friend had just refused to hear it, for now at least.

"I think that's pretty smart." Lando agreed. "Gives you more time to think about it?"

Aimee let out a quiet sigh. "Can we just not talk about this now? I don't want to ruin the day."

Lando had been very, very clear on the couple of occasions she had spoken about her plans about what he thought she could do.

"You're leaving, aren't you?" He asked hesitantly, the realisation sinking in.

"Not if Tracey won't accept my resignation." Aimee joked half heartedly.

Lando's face fell and he looked down to avoid her gaze.

She reached across the table, taking his hands in hers. She waited until he looked up at her before she spoke.

"It feels like the right thing to do, Lando." She explained. "I know it's not what you want to hear, and I'm sorry. I really am. But it doesn't mean we can't be friends? You need to stop thinking of it as me leaving you and think of it as being a fresh start for me."

"I just..." Lando mumbled as he searched for the words. His grip on her hands tightened a little, as though he was subconsciously trying to stop her from leaving already. "I'm going to really miss you."

As her eyes began to fill with tears Aimee realised she had to change the subject. If he asked her to stay again she'd probably crumble and agree. Anything to see him smile again.

"Well, you're stuck with me for a few more weeks yet." She pointed to her cast. "You'll be glad to see the back of me by then!"

"Yeah, you're right." He joked weakly, unable to meet her eyes.

If it was this painful just thinking of her leaving, how was he going to cope when she actually left?

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