23. Fake It 'Til You Make It

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"Knock knock!" Jon's voice came through the door, startling Aimee awake. "You ready, sleeping beauty?"

The door swung open and Aimee scrambled to try and sit herself upright. She'd been awake since he'd left her in Lando's driver room a little over an hour ago. She was far too uncomfortable to sleep.

"You okay?" Jon frowned, holding out a hand that she took and he helped to pull her up to she was sitting.

"Yeah." She mumbled, wiping the thin sheen of sweat off her forehead. "It's just really hot in here." She felt terrible, but if she kept pretending she felt okay then maybe she could convince herself along with everyone else.

"Why don't you stay here?" He suggested.

Aimee shook her head. "How's he doing?"

"They're still P1 and P2." Jon smiled. "10 laps left to go."

"Then let's get back in the garage!"
Aimee grinned.

Much to her relief, Jon didn't fight her anymore. Instead he helped her to her feet, holding most of her body weight as she twisted awkwardly to get into the wheelchair.

"You all good?" Jon asked again as he manoeuvred her back out of the hospitality area. Aimee was being unusually quiet.

"Yep." Aimee answered tightly. It was a lie, of course. She felt awful. Her head was spinning, her leg was throbbing, but she so badly wanted to be there for Lando's victory.

The atmosphere was tense as Jon deposited her back beside Cisca in the garage. The entire team was holding their breath, willing the two papaya cars to make it through the last few laps with no problems. The two drivers were well clear of the rest. They just needed to bring it home now.

"How are you feeling?" Cisca asked, leaning across.

"Do you still have the painkillers in your bag?" Aimee asked quietly.

Cisca nodded, rummaging around for a moment before producing the packet and handing her a bottle of water. "If you're not feeling well we can go." She suggested.

Aimee shook her head, gulping down the pills. "There's four laps left, I want to be here to celebrate his win."

The volume and excitement in the garage increased with every lap completed. Every lap brought them so much closer to a much needed and very well deserved win.

As the two cars sailed past the chequered flag the garage erupted into celebration. Cisca threw her arms around Aimee as she let go of her husband.

"See, I told you we needed to be here!"
Aimee grinned. She'd never have forgiven herself if Cisca missed this because of her. "Go, get down there with the team!"

Cisca hesitated for a moment.

"I'll be fine, go!" Aimee insisted.

Cisca took her husbands hand and filed out of the garage with the rest of the team down to meet the two drivers as they arrived. It left Aimee all but alone in the garage, a moment of quiet she hadn't experienced there in a long time.

Was she really going to leave this all behind?


It took a minute in the chaos of the team congratulating him for Lando to really register that his Mum was stood beside his dad. He ran towards them, wrapping an arm around each of them as they congratulated him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, looking at her in confusion.

"Aimee insisted." Cisca explained. "She's in the garage watching."

Lando shook his head in disbelief. "I should've known she was up to something."

"She wanted to be here to see your win. I think it's lovely." Cisca smiled.

He was pulled away before he could answer her, heading up to the podium to collect his trophy.

As soon as the podium celebrations were finished he made a beeline back to the garage to find Aimee. Trophy in hand, still dripping with champagne as he rounded the corner with such speed he was almost running. His mum and dad had been left well behind.

"There you are." She smiled, holding her arms out. "Congratulations, I knew you could do it!"

He discarded the trophy on the table behind her and crouched down to hug her.

"I'm mad at you. This was not what we agreed!" He tried to sound serious, not releasing her from the hug. As much as he wished she was resting, it was so good to have her there to celebrate with him.

"Had to be here to witness your win, you know that!" She grinned, slapping him on the back and he eventually released his hold on her. He didn't stand up though, instead resting his hands on her thighs to steady himself as he crouched in front of her.

"I'm really happy you're here, it wouldn't be the same without you." He grinned. "Can you believe it?!"

"I can!" She grinned back at him. "I've been telling you this was going to happen for ages!"

"There you are!" Cisca called as her and Adam rounded the corner back into the garage. "You were faster running back from the podium than you were on the track!"

"Sorry, didn't mean to abandon you. I just wanted to get back and check on Aimee." Lando straightened up so he was standing.

"I'm fine." Aimee rolled her eyes.

All three of them turned to look at her. For all her insistence that she was fine, she really didn't look it. She was back to fidgeting around in the wheelchair trying to her comfortable, her face as white as sheet and her brow furrowed, expression tight from the pain.

"We should get you back home." Cisca said, already moving to take the brakes off the wheelchair.

"It's fine, really." Aimee protested. "Stay, celebrate with everyone! I'm fine!"

Cisca and Lando locked eyes for a moment, seemingly having a silent conversation before she spoke again.

"No, I need to get back and start making us some dinner to celebrate!" Cisca declared. "I'll take you back and do that, the boys can meet us there once Lando is done."

"Sounds good." Lando nodded in agreement. "Go and get some rest, I'll be back as soon as I can." He crouched down, wrapping his arms around Aimee again. He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, catching Aimee by surprise, before he stood up and grabbed his trophy, heading off to find the team for their photos.

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