2 | restaurant

122 9 39

Matteo's POV

"Alright, your cousins, uncles, and grandparents will be coming out for dinner tonight at a fancy restaurant/ bar, so please dress nice." My beautiful wife announces to our sons.

We have a daughter and another son, but they were kidnapped the night before their birthday. they would be 19 years old, turning 20.

I miss my princess so much.

and my son, of course.

I wonder if the twins had a good life.

"Are you alright, dad?" My second eldest, Marcello, asks me.

"Yeah, I'm alright. go get ready for dinner." I say, shooing them off.

with that, everyone heads up to their rooms to get ready, including my wife.

we haven't stopped trying to fund the twins. I just hope they're alive.

Damon, my eldest son, was the first one ready to go, Marcello, Xander, and Ethan were all ready next.

the only person we're waiting on is Xavier.

As I'm waiting, Damon gets a call that I'm assuming is about some mafia things.


"Xavier! get your fatass down here now, or we're leaving without you!" Ethans deep voice booms through the walls.

After that, I hear heavy footsteps running down the stairs. Finally, Xavier is done. he always takes the most amount of time to get ready, out of all of us.

"I'm here! Don't leave." he yells.

"Xavier, we're almost late. Come on." Amaya, my wife, says in an irritated tone.

everyone gets into the big suv, we decided to head to the restaurant together instead of separated.

I look back into the backseat to see my children arguing about random shit.

Damon has probably tuned everything out when suddenly my wife speaks,

"Teo, I have this feeling, it is good and bad at the same time, i just feel like something will happen tonight." Amaya says quietly to me.

"It's okay, my love, this is just a normal family dinner." I reassure her.

she visibly relaxes a bit after I say that.

but I wish I knew how much this night would change our lives.

Xander POV

"Ethan, close your damn legs." I say and shove my younger brother who was manspreading, but them again so was i, who is sat beside my in the black SUV.

"Shut the fuck up, you fatass, you're taking up the whole seat." Ethan mutters shoving me back making Mar groan from beside us.

"Both of you just shut it." he groaned out.

after that, we both shut up.

most of my family has anger issues, but when Mar is angry, it's bad.

If it weren't for Ethan being my younger brother, I would have shot him in the head.

Thinking about my family, I can't help but let my mind drift off to the thought of my youngest siblings.

more specifically, my youngest sibling, my little sister.

I really miss her, I don't know what I'd do if we ever got her back.

their kidnapping messed up our family quite a lot.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my siblings, even though I don't say, or act like I do, I do.

but my sister and I had a special kind of bond.

I'm cut off of my thoughts by the big car coming to an abrupt stop, parking into the spot.

I think dad booked out the whole restaurant because we have such a huge family. Full of males.

the only females in our family are my aunts and grandmother. Then my sister was born.

she was the first girl born in our family for at least three, maybe four generations.


When we walk into the restaurant, I notice that it's not booked out for us because there are other people around.

we immediately walk over to the rest of our family, and I go over to my favorite cousin. Although I'd never admit Diego is my favorite, he is.

"Hey man, how have you been?" Diego asks me when he sees me.

"You know, same old shit." I mumble, not wanting to converse in any of the bullshit people are saying.

we all say our 'hellos' and stuff, then the old people, as my brothers and I like to call them, as well as my cousins, we all thing of eachother as brothers because of how close we all are, are probably talking about the mafia and shit.

Damon is the new Don of the Italian mafia.


after talking for a while, the door opens, and I make eye contact with an all too familiar pair of eyes.

Is that--- Avyana?

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