Chapter 19. Family Matters

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Renae had been tossing and turning all night in discomfort as she battled the early pregnancy hormones that were wreaking havoc on her body

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Renae had been tossing and turning all night in discomfort as she battled the early pregnancy hormones that were wreaking havoc on her body. I could see the exhaustion etched on her face as she finally drifted off to sleep in the early hours of the morning.

As the sun rose, I knew that Renae needed all the rest she could get. With Keoni eagerly awaiting his usual morning breastfeeding session, I made the decision to offer him a bottle instead. It was a change in routine that he was not happy about, evident from the way he stubbornly spat out the milk not once, but twice.

I gently explained the situation. "Little man," I cooed, "I know this is different for you, but mommy needs her rest so she can take care of you and your little brothers or sisters. Trust me, you'll get used to the bottle soon enough."

His tiny fists clenched in protest as he let out a soft whine. Despite his discontent, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of his growing personality shining through. Even at such a young age, Keoni was already showing signs of his strong-willed nature, a trait that I knew would serve him well in life.

As he realized there was no getting out of drinking from the bottle, he began to drink. I sat with him, gently rocking back and forth as he drank his milk. Despite his initial resistance, he soon settled into a rhythm, his eyes drooping as he drank, eventually succumbing to the soothing effects of the milk and drifting off to sleep in my arms.

I gently laid him down in his crib, tucking him in with his soft blanket. I quietly exited the nursery, careful not to wake him, and checked on Renae. I knew that she needed this rest more than anything, especially expecting twins and early pregnancy taking a toll on her body.


"I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that we're having twins," I mentioned

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"I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that we're having twins," I mentioned. Me, Omar, cousins and uncles were at our grandparents house playing poker.

"Meanwhile, Mya is adamant about not being ready to start a family yet. She's applied for a supervisor role at the hospital, wanting to achieve a higher position before having children," Omar muttered.

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