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The sept in Dragonstone was transformed into a vision of beauty and elegance for Daemon's wedding to Maelor. The walls, normally a stark grey stone, were draped with rich velvet hangings in a deep crimson color, embroidered with intricate golden thread. The floor was covered with a soft, plush carpet in a matching shade, leading up to the altar where the ceremony would take place.

The altar itself was adorned with a stunning arrangement of flowers, featuring rare and exotic blooms in shades of white, cream, and pale yellow. Delicate silver candelabras stood at either side, holding tall, slender candles that cast a warm, golden glow over the proceedings.

Above the altar, a magnificent stained glass window depicted the sigil of House Targaryen, a proud dragon in red and black, surrounded by intricate patterns and designs. The window was illuminated from within, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the floor and walls of the sept.

The pews, normally plain and simple, were adorned with rich tapestries and cushions in a matching crimson and gold theme. The aisle was lined with tall, ornate candelabras, each one featuring a pair of golden dragons that seemed to guard the path to the altar.

At the rear of the sept, a magnificent organ stood, its pipes gleaming in the soft light. The organist, a skilled musician from King's Landing, was seated at the console, ready to play the traditional wedding hymns and marches.

The atmosphere in the sept was one of quiet reverence, the air thick with the scent of incense and the soft murmur of prayer. The Targaryen family and their guests were seated, dressed in their finest attire, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

As the doors of the sept opened, a procession of septas and septons, dressed in their simple white robes, entered the sept, carrying sacred symbols and relics. They took their places at the altar, ready to perform the sacred rites of marriage.

The stage was set, the decorations were in place, and the guests were waiting. All that was needed now was the arrival of the grooms, and the ceremony could begin.

Prince Baelon brought Daemon to Maelor with a proud expression and tenderly gave his hands to Maelor.

The septon began the next part of the ceremony, telling Maelor, "You may now cloak the groom and bring him under your protection." Maelor smiled, and gently removed the cloak that Daemon wore, bearing the sigil of House Targaryen. He then took a new cloak, embroidered with the sigil of House Targaryen, and placed it around Daemon's shoulders.

As the cloak settled into place, the guests erupted into applause, and the septon continued the ceremony, leading Daemon and Maelor through their vows. The couple exchanged rings, and the septon pronounced them husband and husband.

With the ceremony complete, Daemon and Maelor shared a tender kiss, as the guests cheered and celebrated around them. The newlyweds then turned to face their guests, beaming with happiness, as the septon presented them to the assembly.

The marriage of Daemon and Maelor was now official, and the celebration could begin in earnest. The guests made their way to the reception, where food, drink, and music awaited, as the happy couple embarked on their new life together.


The courtyard of Dragonstone was ablaze with candles, the flickering flames casting a warm, golden glow over their family. At the far end of the hall, a ring of fourteen lit tapers surrounded the altar, where the Valyrian priest waited to perform the sacred rites.

Daemon and Maelor, resplendent in their cream-colored attire, stood before the altar, their eyes locked on each other with a deep, abiding love. Daemon's helmet, adorned with dragon scales and Myrish golden silk, seemed to shimmer in the candlelight, while Maelor's helmet, with its delicate horns, mirrored the majesty of his dragon, Cannibal.

As the ceremony began, the priest spoke in hushed tones, his words a gentle melody in the ancient language of Valyria. Daemon and Maelor stood hand in hand, their eyes never leaving each other's, as the priest presented them with the dragonglass.

With a steady hand, Daemon cut Maelor's lip, and then ran his thumb over the wound. He drew the glyph for fire on Maelor's forehead, a symbol of their passion and devotion. Maelor, in turn, cut Daemon's lip, and drew the glyph for blood on his forehead, a testament to their bond and loyalty.

The priest then presented them with the Valyrian steel dagger, and Maelor cut open his left palm, followed by Daemon. The priest wrapped a tie around their joined hands, and they squeezed, feeling their palms bleed. Blood dripped from their hands, mingling together, as the priest held a goblet beneath to catch the sacred fluid.

As they drank from the goblet, the priest recited the ancient vows, "Blood of two, joined as one. Ghostly flame and song of shadows. Two hearts as embers, forged in fourteen fires. A future promised in glass, the stars stand witness. The vow spoken through time, of darkness and light."

With the vows spoken, Daemon and Maelor leaned in, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. They did not hold back, their love and desire for each other burning bright. Their family erupted into cheers and applause, as the priest smiled, his eyes shining with joy.

As the newlyweds broke apart, the priest untied their hands, and Grand Maester Gerardys stepped forward to tend to their wounds. With their hands bandaged, Daemon and Maelor turned to their guests, beaming with happiness, their love and commitment to each other now sealed in the ancient traditions of Valyria.

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