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Author's notes: I promise this has a happy ending 

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Author's notes: I promise this has a happy ending 

MAELOR'S EYES FLUTTERED OPEN, his heart racing as he sat up in bed, drenched in sweat. The memory of the dream still lingered, vivid and haunting. He could still hear Daemon's screams, still see the anger and betrayal in his eyes.

In the dream, Daemon had stood before him, his face twisted in rage. "You gave up on us, Maelor!" he had yelled, his voice echoing in Maelor's mind. "You gave up on our love, on our future together!"

Maelor had tried to reach out, to apologize, to explain, but Daemon had turned away, his eyes blazing with fury. And then, in a movement that had seemed almost slow-motion, Daemon had turned and jumped from the window, plummeting towards the ground.

Maelor had tried to catch him, had reached out with a desperate cry, but his hands had closed on empty air. He had watched in horror as Daemon's body had hit the ground, the sound of the impact still echoing in his mind.

Maelor's breath came in ragged gasps as he lay back down, his heart still racing. He couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and shame that lingered, the knowledge that he had betrayed Daemon's trust.

He tossed and turned, unable to shake the dream from his mind. He knew it was just a dream, but it felt so real, so vivid. He couldn't help but wonder if Daemon was really gone, if he had really lost the one person he loved.

As the night wore on, Maelor's thoughts grew darker, his guilt and shame consuming him. He knew he had to make things right, to find a way to fix the damage he had done. But as he lay there, lost in his own despair, he couldn't help but wonder if it was already too late.


Maelor stood outside the door to Daemon's chambers, his heart heavy with guilt and anxiety. He had barely slept the night before, haunted by the dream and the weight of his own betrayal. He knew he had to make things right, to apologize and try to repair the damage he had done.

Taking a deep breath, Maelor knocked on the door, his hand trembling slightly. There was a pause, and then the door creaked open, revealing Daemon's angry face.

"What do you want, Maelor?" Daemon spat, his eyes blazing with fury.

Maelor took a step forward, his hands outstretched in a placating gesture. "Daemon, please, I need to talk to you. I need to apologize..."

But Daemon cut him off, his voice cold and hard. "You need to apologize? You think a simple apology will fix everything? You think it will erase the fact that you betrayed me, that you gave up on us?"

Maelor's face fell, his eyes welling up with tears. "I know I was wrong, Daemon. I was scared and I didn't know what to do. But I realize now that I made a mistake, a terrible mistake..."

Daemon's expression didn't change, his anger and hurt still simmering just below the surface. "You made a mistake? You think that's all it was? You think it was just a mistake to betray me, to give up on our love?"

Maelor took another step forward, his voice cracking with emotion. "Please, Daemon, just listen to me. I love you, I always have. I was wrong to give up on us, and I'll do anything to make it right..."

But Daemon's face remained unyielding, his eyes cold and hard. "Get lost, Maelor. I don't want to see your face, I don't want to hear your apologies. You had your chance, and you blew it. Now leave me alone."

The door slammed shut in Maelor's face, leaving him standing alone in the corridor, his heart heavy with sorrow and regret.


Daemon's anger and frustration boiled over as he slammed the door shut behind Maelor. He felt like he was going to explode, like his emotions were going to consume him whole. He needed to release the pent-up rage and hurt that had been building inside him for so long.

With a fierce cry, Daemon launched himself at the room, destroying everything in his path. He smashed vases, overturned furniture, and ripped curtains from the walls. The sound of shattering glass and splintering wood was music to his ears, a cathartic release of the pain and anger that had been building inside him.

As he destroyed his room, Daemon's thoughts turned to his mother. She would have understood him, would have supported him and loved him unconditionally. She would have been his rock, his safe haven in the storm.

But she was gone, taken from him far too soon. And now, Daemon was left to face the cruel world alone, with no one to turn to, no one to love him for who he was.

The thought of his mother's absence was like a fresh wound, tearing at his heart and soul. Daemon felt like he was drowning in his grief, like he was suffocating under the weight of his own emotions.

He collapsed to the floor, surrounded by the wreckage of his room, and let out a primal scream. He screamed for his mother, for the love and support she would have given him. He screamed for the pain and hurt that he felt, for the betrayal and rejection that had been heaped upon him.

As he screamed, Daemon felt a sense of release, a sense of catharsis. He was finally allowing himself to feel, to acknowledge the pain and hurt that had been building inside him for so long.

But as the screamfaded away, Daemon was left with only silence. The silence of his empty room,the silence of his own heart. He was alone, and he knew it.

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