Chapter 39: The last wish

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A/N: As this story comes to its end at last, be sure you stay tuned to my AO3 account, I'll be posting missing scenes from this story there from smut scenes with characters other than Hiccup and his harem, and so on. With that said, let's get into the chapter.

(New Berk)

The morning sun was hidden amongst darkened clouds, making the new day seem gloomy. In a way, it very well represented the darkened state of Hiccup's mind.

After killing Harald Haraldson in ritualistic combat, and after Ulfbjorn the Undefeated and his men had shockingly renounced petty revenge and sworn oaths to Hiccup as the rightful king of all Scandinavian peoples, they had set their sights on the Blackstone Legion and its cunning leader—Apollyon. As the Vikings and their coalition of allies engaged the hostile faction of knights, their forces were utterly shattered by the combined might of respective factions from around the world. Those among the Blackstone's ranks who had renounced their fealty to Apollyon had surrendered to the Iron Legion and the Lord Warden, who had taken them under his wing and banner. The most faithful of Apollyon's warriors—The Black Priors, and a handful of loyal knights fought to the last man to defend their warmongering leader. Apollyon was an opponent the likes of which Hiccup had never faced before, she wasn't just a brilliant tactician, master manipulator, and ferocious warrior, but she represented the idea that war is the greatest constant in the world and that peace is a beautiful lie that can never last. Her beliefs clashed with Hiccup's and it was a sight to behold, as two leaders of their respective rights fought to the death, until ultimately, Hiccup took Apollyon's life in battle, earning him the title of The Wrym Slayer—a title that emphasizes his dragon-riding legacy and his ability to conquer powerful foes both with his keen mind and sheer will.

Despite achieving such a monumental victory over such a dangerous enemy, handfuls of Apollyon's loyalists escaped. One of these loyalists was a young girl named Astrea, who idolized Apollyon for her ruthlessness, strength, and competence as a leader. With this young girl and what remained of the Blackstone Legion now scattered to the winds, Hiccup and his allies could now prepare to face Drago Bludvist, his Northern Alliance, and the allies he had convinced to join him and his cause. Not long after Apollyon's death, the Hiccup had received word from his scouts that the Northern Alliance was encroaching on their shores. The enemy armada was sailing along the North Sea, and knowing Drago, the madman would quicken his pace to reach him and his people to claim their dragons and subjugate them into his dragon army, and use the amazing creatures as nothing more than pawns to rule the world.

Fortunately, Hiccup still had a means of gaining a significant advantage in the impending battle that would soon find its way to his kingdom. Reaching into his fur cloak, Hiccup pulled out the magic lamp that Jasmine had given to him. The object of power and magic had served him well, and with one last wish at his disposal, he would use it to cripple Drago's army further, and in the act, secure his people's future in this world. With his mind set on what it was he wanted to wish for, he rubbed the magical lamp, and blue smoke emerged out of it, revealing the Genie.

"Ah, Master Hiccup. Might I say you are looking magnificent as ever," his flattery was accompanied by a heartfelt smile. With his arms now crossed, he then inquired. "Now, what is it that you wish for?"

Hiccup, having been told by both Jasmine that the Genie is a prisoner within the lamp filled the Viking king with regret that he wouldn't be able to use his last wish to grant this being his freedom, which was well earned after untold years of service to untold thousands of men, each of them could've been madmen, greedy and self-centered, or cold-blooded. In another time, in another place, perhaps Hiccup could've granted this being his freedom, no, he would do it. Unfortunately, the circumstances prevented him from doing so, and he needed to use his final wish to solidify his people's chances against Drago Bludvist and his army.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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