Oval's out and about July 2024 log.

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( Footnote:The following is a slight exaggeration when I was out in about for a bit.)

Ovalsan's log: Feel like visiting downtown today just see how things are for the places that I rarely go to nowadays sadly just as hardly any reasons to do other than an excuse to get out and write what pages I have left before opening a new notebook, as I got to the bus first day I went to is a donut shop just to get it done.

After that I walked to the library just to see whatever is going on with the other places on the way over and hopefully not have any construction get in the way but what do I know while writing this part.

The local book shop is still there but don't go in that much because I honestly not sure if they can reserve those I have in mind they done some but can't if I feel like it but oh well for now that is.

After that I walked to the library and wait for a few crossing lights but it wasn't anyway, once I finally got there it hard to tell how much have changed from the inside so far.

Once I got inside their seem to be some so far but not where I usually go whenever I visit the place.

Once I'm done I took the inbound bus only to watch the same pass by out the window all right in a few things I brought along for both the weight and the ride and once I got the transit station took the bus back to my place and call today and I want some lunch and try to find something with you to watch.

After note: This part was made a day before only to fell up the remaining pages that I have at the time of writing with others that I have in mind to write that I almost months apart and they're barely any in the meantime.

Update note in case of any deviations: After eating my Donuts I went to the ATM for some money tomorrow man's get one book reserved at the local books that I have in mind, when I actually got the library construction was crazy and despite a renewal found something that are worth watching and reading more on that later.

Oval Main ground strugglesWhere stories live. Discover now