Oval's thoughts on Power Rangers toys going to be made by Playmates?

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Please note the following is only speculation on what I just found out in all honesty.

Ovalsan's log: when I was out I looked up YouTube and stumbled on one of my usual channels that has was going to give the rights to make Power Rangers toys to Playmate Toys next year.

Now this whole thing got me in a mix like how will it work with there being two Power Ranger TMNT crossover comics even if there is a Godzilla line currently another two with him as well that's something to start with at least don't know what else they could do with it if you ask me but it could be anyone's guess at this point and who would they pass it to if they get tired of it?

Well even if it is a joke my hand full guesses would be Spin Master Jack specific and even this is a bigger joke Mattel, yeah it'd be way too He-Man.

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