Chapter 6:

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"So, class, as you can see-" I groaned as Mr. Richardsons dull voice droned on and on, echoing throughout the small room. My arms rested themselves atop the old wooden desk that would break if I banged my head hard enough- maybe I should try? I looked around, deciding to take in the details of the few classmates that sit here with me instead of listening to his boring lesson during summer school.

There were only a few kids in here, only sophomores and freshman. Despite their age and grade difference, they were all alike in one way- potheads. I rolled my eyes in disgust. I was actually doing good deeds when I skipped classes, I shouldn't be punished for saving the world from a full out war between Heaven and Hell. Right?

I clenched my jaw as I felt a small piece of paper bounce off the back of my head, landing on the cold tile floor. I slowly looked over my shoulder, my eyes peeled for whoever did it. Two girls snickered into their hands, their eyes red as can be. The stench of smoke reeled off of them, making my nostrils scrunch. I sent sharp dagger glares to both of them and growled underneath my breath as I watched one of them throw another, missing me by inches. I pushed myself out of the desk, standing up as I walked over to their desks. Sarcastic smiles were plastered to their pale, scratched faces as I leaned over, my eyes never leaving theirs.

"Are we going to have a problem?" I asked, my voice stern and flat. One of the smiles formed into an evil grin as the girl raised her eyebrows in a sexual manner, her hand trailing along to my black skinny jeans. Her fingers just about brushed against my package before I snapped, grabbing her wrist tightly in a swift motion. She gasped, her eyes now showing panic instead of lust as she tried wriggling out of my tight grip. "I have a girlfriend."

"I-er, ouch! Please-I" She stammered, her friend trying to pry my hand off of her wrist. I glared straight at her, sending her sitting back into her chair, terrified. "I'm sorry!"

At that, I let go of her wrist. She quickly wrapped her hand around it, a small tear escaping her eye as she looked at the now red mark that lay on her skin. I smiled triumphantly and spun around, only to see my reflection in the glasses of Mr. Richardson. I cursed under my breath quietly.

"Mr. Biersack." He said snottily.

"Yes, Mr. Richardson." I groaned.

"You've just earned yourself a nice little trip to the Dean's office, young man." He snapped, holding a small slip of paper in front of my face. I rolled my eyes as I shook my head, snatching it out of his grip. "It's down the hall-"

"Yeah yeah, trust me." I replied, "I know exactly where I'm going."

Without another word I strolled out of the room, slamming the door behind me. Thinking about it now I didn't really mind going down there- it was a lot better than learning. My heavy combat boots sounded in the empty hallway as I walked slowly down, making a smal stop in the restroom.

I crumpled the piece of paper into a small ball, tossing it to the side as I looked into the mirror. My ocean blue eyes looked straight back, shining in the dull dirty mirror. I closed my eyes, sighing as I tried to focus. Concentrate, just concentrate. My eyes slowly flicked open, revealing the golden yellow color that illuminated in my reflection. I sighed with relief- I was continuously worrying every day that the war had been a dream, that I hadn't gotten rid of the terrifying black eyes I once had, that I hadn't gotten some of my grace back from Heaven.

"Thank God," I mumbled to myself, shaking my head so my eyes could return to their normal blue. My phone silently buzzed inside my pocket and I clicked the lock screen, showing a message that ran across my screen. I smiled- it was from Madison.

[Hey babe, guys called for an immediate band practice at 3 so I'll swing by school and pick you up after. xoxo]

I smiled, chuckling to myself. Soon after, however, confusion rolled over me as I furrowed my brows. Three o'clock? School ends at twelve- that's a lot of time in between.

[Uh babe, school ends at 12:00... That's a lot of time to drive to practice?] I shot back quickly, locking my phone as I fumbled around with it in my hands. My phone buzzed within seconds of the text I had just sent.

[I know ;) ;* Xo] She responded, causing a smirk to tug at my lips. I laughed, sending a quick emoticon her way before sliding my phone back into my pocket. My eyes glanced around, noticing the small flicker in the lights that hang above me. I looked closely at them, eyeing them carefully as they began to dim a bit. I shrugged it off, knowing how low maintained this school was to begin with and headed off to the Deans office.

Once more my combat boots sounded the halls, and I softly began to whistle to myself. I whistled along to a Misfits song as I strolled down the hall, only to be stopped by a loud screeching sound echoing from behind me. I stopped dead in my tracks, turning around carefully. I was greeted with an empty long hall way- no signs of anyone being there in hours.

I scratched my head- what was that?

My eyes scanned the hallway, looking for any signs of disruption or anything off. To my dismay, I found nothing until I turned my head slightly, now noticing something on one of the lockers. Curiously, I walked slowly over to the locker, bending down as I inspected it- marks. Four large slashes were found to be cut deep inside the metal of the locker- this showed signs of a demon. My hand brushed against it, noticing the small red liquid that oozed from it- blood.

I shivered and dashed down the hall, not wanting to meet what had done that. Low growls were heard from behind me as I continued to sprint, making it safely to the office. I burst into the office, closely the door immediately as I collected myself. The old woman froze at her computer, eyeing me suspiciously. "Hello Andrew."

"Hi Janice," I said, giving a nod as I headed further inside of the office. My heart pounded against my chest, feeling as if it were too burst right out in fact. What was happening? Was I losing my mind? My body began to feel numb as my vision became blurry- the room spun slowly around me. I gripped tightly onto a wall, regaining my balance as I shook my head frantically before continuing on.

I swallowed hard, turning into the Dean's office. The dean snapped his head up, away from his computer as he shook his head. "Wow Andrew, I can never get away from you can I?"

I silently shook my head, ignoring his petty comments as I snatched the slip from his hand. I stumbled down the hallway, my hand trailing on the wall as flashes of dizziness continued to wash over me. Finally I had reached the room, and opened the door slowly, letting a gasp escape my lips.

"Oh Andrew," the blonde said snottily, her legs hanging off of the desk. "Have you received any of my messages?"

"Who are you." I spat.

"The names Jennifer," Jennifer said, smirking as she swung her legs over the desk and onto the ground. "I've been waiting patiently for you."

"Haven't you heard?" I snarled, "I'm not a fallen angel anymore."

She tilted her head back and laughed demonically, "You're a guardian fallen angel. That still means you're-"

"A fallen angel has no grace at all. I have a small amount, making me no longer a fallen angel." I cut her off.

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"Andrew, we need you. We need our leader, we need the bad Andrew." She said slowly, trying to reason with me. I shook my head, "No, I've found love. That's all I need now."

"She doesn't love you! You're a mons-"

I grabbed her by the neck, slamming her into the desk. She gasped for breath, trying to release herself from my tight grip. "I am not a monster!"

I slowly let go, letting her stumble to her feet as she gasped for breath. She glared at me, shaking her head. "Yes you are," Jennifer said, "Just remember, she's human. I suggest not losing your temper with her." Jennifer flipped her hair over her shoulder dramatically, "Otherwise someone's going to get hurt, and you'll have her blood on your hands."

My eyes widened as I watched her disappear into mid air, leaving me alone in the cold room. I sighed, running my hands through my hair frantically. I wasn't a fallen angel, I was an angel. I was Madison's guardian angel.. I'm fallen but I have grace.

My head was spinning.

I'm not a monster... Am I?

Heaven or Hell (Sequel to "Love or Lust")Where stories live. Discover now