Chapter 12:

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"Savanah, what are you doing?" I asked cautiously, trying not to make sudden movements. My eyes never left hers, although they weren't they're usual pale blue. They were a darker shade, almost like someone else's.

Savanah smirked, her smile sly as she twirled her finger in Madison's hair, humming along to a small tune. "Oh you know, searching for someone. You, to be exact."

"Why," I said through gritted teeth, although I already knew the answer to that. She let out a sharp laugh before speaking. "I was going to play little miss Savanah for a few more weeks, you know, drag it on? But Lucifer has sent his own hunters out to find you, so I knew I just had to rush this plan into action." Her voice was full of venom, and I can already tell it wasn't really Savanah. It was Jennifer.

"Let her go, Jennifer." I spat.

At that, her dark eyes flicked up to meet mine, her smile tugging even wider. I watched as she pressed the gun harder on Madison's head, earning a small whimper from her precious lips as tears streamed down along her rosy cheeks. "Why? I'm having fun." Jennifer sneered, clicking the gun. Madison whimpered once again, trying to break free from her tight grip, "This kitchen seems a bit of a bore. Needs some color. How about blood red?"

"Please! Please, please!" Madison pleaded, tears pouring out of her eyes. "Please, I'll do anything. Please!"

Jennifer laughed at her pleas and cries while rolling her eyes, shaking her head. "You don't get it, do you? I'm dragging you back to Hell one way or the other." She gave a sly smile, stroking Madison's burning cheeks, "And I'll use whatever or whoever I can to do it."

"Why me," I spat.

"Lord Lucifer is tired of waiting for our attack, so He ordered me to bring you back." Jennifer flicked her eyes up to meet mine before cracking her neck loudly, hissing in pain. I stood still, trying not to make any movements as I watched the bones under her skin ripple, forming into new ones. My eyes locked on hers once more as they returned to their normal dark shade, and she cackled in laughter as her dirty blonde hair returned, flowing down as it replaced the light brown it once was for Savanah's form. "That's much better. Man did I hate having her as a body."

"I'm not going, Jennifer." I said, rage boiling all throughout my body. I felt behind my lips as my fangs began to grow, and I tried to control them as I clenched my fists tightly together.

She snickered. "You feel that Andy? That's your inner demon, and no matter how much grace you have, you'll always be a monster like me. Like us. Like everyone in Hell." Jennifer looked at Madison who continued to whimper, and she looked back at me. "I'll make you a deal; you come down to Hell with me and leave this sorry thing you call a life behind, and I won't blow her brains out. Sound fair?"

I growled, baring my fangs. "No."

"Tsk, wrong answer." The loud click! of the gun loading into place made Madison scream even louder, making Jennifer sneer. "Sorry Andy, looks like it's- No!"

Without notice I watched as Jennifer was tackled to the ground, releasing Madison from her grip as she stumbled to the floor. My body was frozen in place as I saw her fall and I quickly rushed to Madison's trembling side. I listened as her uneven breathing was very sporadic, and I tried soothing her as I held her in my lap, stroking her hair. I heard Jennifer scream behind me and turned my head, finding her pressed against the ground, a large black wolf on top of her.

"Gah! Get-off-me!" Jennifer yelled, and screamed as Taylor bit down on her arm, showing no signs of mercy. But Jennifer wouldn't stop, for she managed to sweep Taylor off of her legs and pushed her hard with her foot, sending Taylor into the wall of the kitchen. Her back smacked hard on the wall, and I watched as she slid down the wall slowly, whimpering. She slowly got back to her feet, and I noticed a small blood stain in a patch of her black fur; where she had been shot.

Heaven or Hell (Sequel to "Love or Lust")Where stories live. Discover now