Chapter 24:

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"Alright, Jake c'mon!" Michael wined as he furiously pressed the buttons of the controller. His eyes were glued to the screen. "C'mon! Patch, a little help here buddy?"

Patch snickered. "Nah, CC and I have our own issues to deal with." CC chuckled as he shot another zombie, running past Michael who lay on the ground begging to be revived.

"Sorry man, but I've got a heard of zombies on my tail," Jake chimed in.

I chuckled softly to myself as I rolled my eyes, continuing to read my book. I crossed my left leg over my right, sinking back into the chair as my eyes scanned over the book. I sighed, remembering Moraine. She was such a talented writer, and now the world would never see her writings again.

"Dude, revive me!" Michael whined.

"Aww," Patch mocked, "does the wittle puppy want his wittle bone?" Michael snapped his head over to Patch, biting the air as he showed his fangs. Patch hissed, followed by Michael growling, before both burst out into laughter. "I got you."

"Thanks," He chuckled.

"So Andy," Jake cut in, "tomorrow's your first day of school. Are you going to try to keep up this school year?" I looked up at Jake, arching my eyebrows. I shrugged silently and answered, "I'm going to at least try."

Jake nodded his head before continuing on with his video game. I rolled my eyes before continuing back to my book, groaning as the ringing of the doorbell sounded throughout the house. I huffed as I pushed myself up off of the couch, heading for the door.

I swung the door open, only to be tackled to the floor. My head banged against the door as I let out a yell, opening my eyes slowly. My eyes soon met her bright blue ones that shown through her black fur, and I rolled my eyes as her tongue found itself all over my skin. "Alright.. Alright, alrigjt! Taylor!" I laughed loudly, trying to push her off.

Taylor growled playfully before hopping off of me. She leapt up onto the couch next to Michael, curling herself up as she watched me get up. "Ah, come on! Don't just shed your fur all over my clean couch!"

Taylor eyed me angrily, letting out a growl before shifting back slowly into her regular form. Jake and CC gasped in shock as Michael gawked at her, his eyes practically rolling to the back of his head. "Sheesh someone's a crabby pants today."

I chuckled. "Oh shut it."

"So what are we doing boys?" Taylor asked nonchalantly, kicking her feet up atop my coffee table as she leaned back into the couch. Jake and CC continued to stare before Michael spoke up, "Call of Duty Zombies, you in?" Taylor's eyes lit up as she smiled, extending her hand for a controller. Michael tossed one of the black ones and they all five right back into their game.

"Awesome! I love this game," Taylor said cheerfully, her eyes now locked on the screen. Michael raised his eyebrows and asked, "Seriously?"

Taylor nodded proudly. "I've loved it since I was a little girl. Andy can tell you how many times I've beaten him, can't you Andy?" She glared at me sarcastically and I rolled my eyes, chuckling. "Yes, she beat me a few times here and there I guess."

"Ha! More like all the time," Taylor snorted. I rolled my eyes. Michael and Jake both looked over at her while CC continued to play, and Jake was the one whom spoke up, "But aren't Angels not allowed to do anything that's like not involved with God?"

"Yeah, I'm guessing Nazi zombies isn't very religious correct?" Michael chimed in sarcastically. Taylor nodded her head as she continued to play, finally responding, "Andy and I were always masters at breaking rules."

At that I nodded with a smile. "Always have, always will. Nothing's changed."

"What do you mean nothing's changed?" Jake asked curiously.

"When I was an angel, I broke rules by sitting at the edge listening to KISS or playing video games that I had snagged from a video game store down below." I said, looking up. "Now, here I am, fallen angel who's supposed to be ruling over Hell who is now sitting in a chair reading a book wanting nothing to do with hell." I gave a sarcastic smile before going back to my book.

"Oh damn," They both muttered.

"Please don't die," CC said sadly.

I laughed. "I promise I won't, or at least I'll try." I continued with my book but found it hard to focus. "Alright can you at least turn down the television because I can't focus on- Gah!" I interrupted myself with a scream as I spun around quickly, finding Madison locking her arms around my neck. She swung herself on the couch as she kissed my cheek softly.

"Madison! What are you doing here?"

"What, you don't want me?" Madison asked sadly, pouting her lips. I shook my head quickly, kissing her lips softly as I replied, "No that's not it! I'm just surprised, I mean you said your mom wanted you home this morning."

"Yeah she did, but she sent me over."

I choked on my own words. "Wait what? She physically sent you over?" Madison nodded slowly, "Like, sent you over?" She nodded once more, furrowing her brows. "The woman who hates me and threatened me... Sent you over?" She nodded again. "She sent-"

"Alright Andy!" She shrieked. Her hands slid up and down my chest, trying to shut me up. I relaxed at her touch and looked her in the eyes, smiling softly. "Anyways, she sent me over because... Well, let's talk in private?"

I nodded and stood up, lacing our fingers together as I excused ourselves out of the room. The boys and Taylor gave a small nod before continuing with their game. Madison rolled her eyes as I chuckled, leading her to the bedroom down the hall.

"So, why'd she send you over?" I asked once more, shutting the door softly with a small click! Madison smiled as she set herself down on the bed, patting the seat beside her. Confused, I hesitantly sat down. "She wants you over for dinner. She wants to discuss something about us.."

I swallowed hard. "No, no. No. Please tell me she's not trying to break us up! Please, please Madison. Please, I love you so-"

Madison pressed her lips against mine, shutting me up once more. My heart rate slowed down a bit as I pushed into the kiss, electricity sent throughout my body. Madison soon leaned back, breaking the kiss as she looked into my eyes, "Now, shut up."

I nodded, smiling.

"She wants to discuss about you moving in to my house..." My eyebrows shot up as my jaw dropped to the floor. Is she serious? The woman who threatened to kill me wants me living with them? Madison read the confusion on my face and calmly explained, "Look, she's getting transferred all the way to Pennyslvania. I don't want to leave, and she knows it. I'm eighteen years old and that means I'm allowed to live on my own." She took a breath. "My mom said the only way she'd allow me to live in the house is if you lived there with me..."

"But... But... What?" I was confused.

"When my father left, he did leave behind most of his money. Not for my mother of course but for me. That money combined with the money I already have plus the weekly money my mother will send? That'll all pay for bills, payments, whatever we need." She explained further. I furrowed my brows, taking this all in. "But you still have to go to school. I mean, it's the big senior year.."

"My mom's friend works for the board of the school and has gotten my school payments down to a minimum." Madison said softly, taking my hand in hers. "What do you say? You want to finally live together?"

My smile widened. "Of course."

Heaven or Hell (Sequel to "Love or Lust")Where stories live. Discover now