I'm going to Hogwarts!!!!!

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hey guys 2 comments at least for a new chappie by the way Rain knows her family they stayed at Diggory's Manor and Cedric considers her as a sister and she considers Cedric's family as her family too. and he is one year ahead of Rain and I sadly dont own harry potter,spells,places or anything except Rain.


"Rain get up" the familliar voice said which I recognized as Cedric

" No go away Cedric."I replied groggiliy with my eyes shut

"Fine its your choice if you don't want to see you're Hogwarts letter." He said at those words my eyes shot open.

"My Hogwarts letter came??" I screamed in Cedric's ears

"Yes but I might turn deaf thanks to you." he replied screaming in my ear too


"Im leaving." Cedric said walking out the door

"You told her" Amos Diggory said to Ced

"Yep." He replied

"ah" Amos said 

"Good morning" I said to everyone

"Yeah used to be before I was deaf !" Cedric said Which he received  a smack on the head from me and a water balloon on his head that i planned to fall on his head thanks to the Epic house elf Rocky her name isn't really her name its Raquelle 

"Hahahahaha"I laughed Cedric just glared at me mouthing the words you are so dead. I just ran cuz he was 17 now he could use magic on me.

I made a flower shield filled with thorns so he couldn't do anything to me and or shoot hexes or curses or spells I love being me.

I ran up to my room with my shield and transformed my self into Cedric's cat Lemon and I walked out and Cedric really thought I was lemon so he picked me up and pet my head Amos must have known it was me because he was trying to hide a laugh.

I ran up to my room and changed my self back "AHHHHHH!!!" look at my hair its all ruffled and ugly stupid Cedric

"So when are we going to Diagon Alley?" I asked Dad

"You're going with Cedric and-. but I cut hi off saying

" But you know he wants to get me back."

"You didn't let me finish you're going with Cedric and the Weasleys." 

" Oh ok" I didn't really like the weasleys that much Ginny is jealous of me for some reason Ron is never around  Fred and George have their Weasleys Wizard Wheezes and Percy is in the ministry and charlie and bill arent even here.

So Cedric is my only best friend even though he can be conceited at times he's a great guy  and this chinese girl Chang or Cho or something is in love with him you see I'm no girly girl and i'm not emo i'm more of a tomboy because girls are too OMG lipstick OMG a dress OMG perfume ( so sorry if I offended you its just Rain's P.O.V.) so thats why I hang around Cedric most of the time.

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